martes, el 9 de diciembre de 2014

Buenos tardes!! That was the lil'man feeding his Mexican craving...quesadillas...while glued, yes glued, to Curious George.

It says 28,0 but it is more like 31,0 feeling like 35,0!! And thank goodness for the viento!!

Currently 430pm and the familia are out on their bicis. Probably off to playa Chahue as we are keeping Max out of the water today.

Health update? Wow...we had our first "normal" day in the past 5 or 6!! Thrilled, seriously thrilled, that Max's tos has gone from horrible to once or twice an hour we hear a cough.

And anoche, last night? The meds did their trick and the fact that he had a crappy sleep and coughing allowed him to fall asleep by 805pm...score!!

And we had a great noche tambien!! The meds wore off at 3am and the coughing started up again, but I dosed him up and after 20 minutos, we were lights out and pretty much stayed that way until 645am...double score!!

The usual morning for, tranquilo time and lots of "can I spend my whole morning with you Poppa....pleeeeeeease?". Wow...where is that during bedtime? Ja ja ja

A good desayunos and the lil'mans energy has returned two fold. So much so that for the first time in a while, he needed a calm down time out.

As we were getting ready to zoom zoom to Pablo's taller, Telmex called. Doph. Bex was a trooper and took care of it and after 2 visits to G10...R&H's renters will have internet when they arrive. Yahoo for them.

Max and I hooked up with Pablo and the first thing I notice is that the side bumper has had no work done on it. Doph. Rusted bolts was the issue...they will have to cut them off if I want the work completed. Ahhhhh...I will think about it.

The interior of the camioneta was all put back together and they did a great job washing the motor for me. But...what ever chemical they used sure stinks up the inside of the truck. Yikes...stay tuned.

Home to drop off the bici, have another horizontal pee and pick up the recycling.

Off to Fonatur and then onto Che where Max was the most affectionate I have ever seen him. Hugs on my leg, besitos and the "can I spend the whole morning with you?"...about 10 times.

Scored on affection and cheddar cheese!!

Home for leche y libros and then off for a great siesta!! More meds at 11am and Max had no coughing, thus he slept well. Awake at 1250pm...too early, but he looked at me and said "tranquilowe Poppa" and the next thing I know he is in my arms and we are both lights out. Score!!

Awake at 115pm and then comida for Max and for the first time in a to el gimnasio for Bubba.

Great to get back...but not quite 100% so I took it easy.

Headed home with a pit stop at SCA and saw mi familia headed out...hola hola!! Upstairs for some clean up and then a Magicjack chat with a recruiter...not a lot going on in the Vancouver market right now.

But he knows what I can do and where I would be willing to do it, and we will touch back after the holidays.

And now? Tranquilo time before the fries go in the horno and I start cooking up Max's salmon.

Light on fotos...but enjoy.

Headed to G10 to unlock the door for the tecnico de Telmex.

A loud camion de carga is driving by.

They were headed to the playa, but before they left, Poppa was spotted and Max was off to give his padre a dozen besitos.

Ok, back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Bedtime is under way, and based on the amount of energy Max had moments ago, I don't think another 805pm bedtime is in the cards. does not hurt to hope!! ja ja ja

Bex y Max had a long bici ride to Marina Park, played in the jungla and then rode all the way home. Wow!!

Max had a FT con Oma y Opa and then helped his Poppa cook the arroz, before sitting down at the big boy table and eating his cena.

Well...the plato stayed on the big boy mesa and Max pretty much prowled the Palacio, coming back for another mouthful now and then. But he did manage to eat his dinner and some yogurt tambien.

Clean up and then off for the familia prowl, and we are happy to report that tonight, the zocalo's arbol de Navidad was being installed and lit up!! Fotos mañana...maybe!!

A short prowl and then home for tina time, leche and now...bedtime.

That's it mis amigos!!

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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