jueves, el 25 de diciembre de 2014

Feliz Navidad from playa Mojon!! Yes...that is our arbol de Navidad at playa Mojon. But no, it was from 2011, not today.

Buenos tardes and what a beautiful afternoon here at playa Mojon, under the Van-Arnold palapa!!

Currently 330pm and with Bex y Max making a bonfire on the playa, it is time for Poppa to have some tranquilo time and do a little blog updating. Hola hola to some 50 plus fotos on the way!!

After the late bed time, it was a great noche with a 1130pm pee break and then pretty much a solid sleep right through until 640am. Score!!

Tough call...later bed time and we sleep in, kinda, or earlier bed time and I get to sleep in until 715am while Max watches videos. Hmmmmm?

An interesting morning as even though Max knew it was Navidad, and that Santa had probably come to visit us anoche, last night, he was in absolutely no hurry to get upstairs and investigate.

At 715am we exited the bedroom and with no sense of urgency from Max, we decided to wait with regalos and let madre sleep in. So onto the regular morning rutinas of play time and a big bowl of fruta while hanging out in the Palacio.

Tea ready at 830am, so I sent the lil'man into wake up his madre and get the show on the road.

First off Max had get his madre to come to the front door to show her what he had discovered when we opened the door at 715am.

Yup, Santa had been to our casa!! And due to the fact that he lives in the North Pole, covered in nieve, he left behind some foot prints.

Up into the oficina to check out the loot.

And to investigate if Santa had indeed eaten the galletas and finished the vaso de leche.

Look Poppa...Santa left a little Oreo behind.

A Navidad abrazo for his madre.

And onto the loot. This was a regalo from our neighbours downstairs, Ron y BBQ (Barb).

Max scored on some Hot Wheels.

Tough niño to read...but yes, he is happy about it. We think he just takes his time to think about things and absorb them.

Looking to his madre to see if he is allowed to finish the cookie that Santa took a bite out of and left behind.

Double checking that it is ok.

Now that is a truly happy niño. Hello...Oreo!!

Hey Max, hold up the chico Sr Cara de Papa, Mr Potato Head, so I can take a foto of the two of you. Oh Max!!

Onto the big loot from Santa.

More toys and this one might turn out to be his favorite.

It is a die cast dual propeller airplane.

Max bought a gift for his madre, and here she is opening it.

What? Poppa's old socks?

Oh Poppa.

A tad blurry...an abrazo to say thanks for the Santa plato.

More carros.

Note the red lips? The Ocean Spray Carn-Uva stains his lips!!

Beware the tongue.

Off to Los Portales for desayunos, packing some toy loot in the mochilla.

Da plane? Nope...nubes obscura. We had another mixed morning, but el sol came out in full force for the afternoon.

Some Los Portales expressions.

Madre went off on her bici ride, and The Boys did a 45 minuto tour before heading home and going for a very refreshing dip in the CP alberca.

Here we see a few displays that are set up in the zocalo y kiosko.

Tonto Max.

How we earn our living here in Huatulco, $10 pesos per foto por favor.

The hombre asked if he could take Max's foto and then as we wheeled away, Max told him "Feliz Navidad amigo"!!!

Geared up for siesta, but first off we need a little play time with the easel.

And after easel time it was leche y siesta time. A good siesta for both of The Boys and at 125pm when we woke up, it was go go go to playa Mojon. Bex had us all loaded up, so it was all about gearing up and shaking the cobwebs out of our cabezas.

Zoom zoom to playa Mojon and onto cooking the dawgs while Bex y Max had some playa time. Comida and back to playa time while Poppa updated the blog under the palapa.

Mas fotos?

From anoche, last night, we heard a small desfile going by, so we went to check it out. The hombre to the left of the blue cloaked hombre, is one of the many friendly town partakers (he drinks).

Different parade....hello dinner!!

Max asks why this volcho has eyelashes...I have no answer.

At Cafe Juanita.

Is my dinner coming soon?

Mojito Max they call him.

The Boys.

Dr Seuss keeping Max occupied while we wait for crab...mahi mahi...cakes.

Ok, you are all caught up.

Back at you post tina time. Max cooked up the Manwich for us, so we are having a redneck Christmas dinner!! Looking forward to some turkey dinners when we are back in Canada!!

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches. A late one for me...1015 pm and still updating the blog.

We finished up at playa Mojon and then headed home for the go go go of unpacking, clean up and then getting la cena ready.

Eat dinner, have a FT with Oma, Opa, Karen y Eric, then a FT with Ione, Bernie, Kennedy and Sullivan and then finally a FT with Olen, Kim and Nicole.


Tina time, leche y libros and Max was lights out at 830pm. Ta da...his 4th Navidad in the books and if you ask me...it was a successful one!!

Hey...playa Mojon fotos?

While the dawgs are cooking, the familia keeps busy.

Not quite Bard on The Beach...maybe Picasso on The Playa?

Trying to transfer some Zen to Max.

Dude...I think I have Zen all over mi manos!!

Once again, Feliz Navidad and if you are in Canada and enjoy Boxing Day sales....go crazy mañana.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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