sábado, el 30 de junio de 2012

In that photo Max is 8 days old...next week Max is 8 months old. Time flies!!

Buenos noches mis amigos. How goes your long weekend?

Crazy storm last night, or more like 5am and is it a coincidence that Max was not happy at 5am? He let us know so I took him to the spare room, gave him a pit stop and for the next 2 hours or so, we rocked, snoozed, talked about Tom and Katie and had a cry. And then did it all over again.

At 7am I figured it was time to bring in the jugs and sure enough he tanked up and we all slept until 815am. Now if we could have skipped the 5-7am part, sleeping until 815am is a dream!!

I got up with him and we had 2 hours of morning rutina. No walk as I was muy tarde due to being pooped. It takes me a while to get organized on days like today, so by the time Max has eaten his desayunos, he is nearing his own nap time.

And stretching nap time for a walk is not recommended. Half way through a walk he will let you know you have screwed up and he should be at home having a chest nap!!

So we cleaned up and hit the sack at 1015am…2 hours after waking up…right on schedule. It didn't take much to get him to close his ojo and soon he was asleep. Over the next 1 hour and 40 minuutes (ya baby!!) I grabbed a few minutes of zzz.

The trick to a long chest nap? Linking the naps is what I am told. If Max starts to stir, don’t let him wake up, but instead rock him back to sleep and let him start his next nap. I must have linked 4 naps!! Ja ja ja


The race is on and Max y madre are working on the last 2 steps in the night time rutina. Wish us luck!!

So, waking up at noon from a nap, kinda limits what you can do for the rest of the day. My day…el gimnasio, Che and the pool.

Bex y Max took the walk and they too had a long chest nap. So after 2 long chest naps, there was no way we can get the lil’ball of energia down for a 3rd, so he hung out with us while we ate salads.

Then we dialed up mis padres for a FT as 2 of mi padres hermanos were visiting, and time for Max to put on a show. He did not disappoint!!

We had a great dinner and Max joined us with his plate of Cheerios, broccoli, cereal cookie and the such.

He is getting much better at feeding himself and one of the next milestones is his ability to use the thumb and finger as pincers. Based on the fact that he has been a head of schedule on most milestones, this one should happen soon. Stay tuned.

No walk about fotos today as I took the camioneta to el gimnasio so I could hit Che right after I was done.

But…here are the alberca fotos.

I am seeing double. Nice foto trick madre!!

You think 30 minutes of this splashing would tire him out? Nope.

Do I look tired?

Tonight…Mojon plans and the race. Mañana…continue with the plans and maybe a sleep in!! Max…you in for that? Ja ja ja

Have a great domingo.

Last foto. Click on it to see full screen.

It is another panoramic view from within the zocalo and looking towards calle Bugambilia. The yellow building towards the right from center, is where the restaurante Los Portales, is located.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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