miercoles, el 20 de junio de 2012

Toys...I love toys!!

Feast or famine when it comes to fotos…today would be a buffet of fotos!!

A great day and at 845pm, madre is on round #2 on getting Max to sleep. Two nights in a row he fell right asleep in his cuna and even had a long stretch of uninterrupted sleep through the night.

While we were getting him all pj’d up tonight, we both mentioned how wired he was, so round #2 does not come as a sorpresa.

Best part of the day? Walking by Santa Cruz Abarrotes and we here a small voice screaming “Max, Max” from across the calle. There is Max’s lil’amiga who LOVES Max and wanted us to cross the street and say hola.

So we did and for 5 minutes she held onto Max’s foot and just stroked it. She also loves Pedro Pollo, so we might buy her one. Not sure her status in life, but she looks loved and spends a lot of time with her abuela who sells verdura.

We had the early shift, had the walk and the nap and also pool time. A full niño day of you ask me. And that doesn’t include the 2 walks with madre, the silly time and the JJ time.

No big news today.

Hit el gimnasio where I saw Hector for the first time in 3 weeks plus. He told me his 81 year old madre, who has lost her mind (his word, not mine), fell and broke her hip. They had to take her to Puerto for surgery and she won’t be able to move to a wheel chair for another 2 weeks. She has spent all this time laying in bed and Hector has had to assist in taking care of her.


Ayer I asked Roman where we can buy some traditional Mexican tile and he gave me the address of the ONLY place here in small town Huatulco. I realized it was Ernesto’s place, the guy we met 5 plus years ago…married to a Quebec gal and now have dos niños.

I popped in on the way home from el gimnasio and this guy has got some sweet construction materials. But he also charges a pretty peso as he is the only place to stock the items. He also carries some high-end patio furniture and I saw a few Webber bbqs too. Hola to some great steaks bbq’d at Mojon!!

Good stuff to look at, but will probably look to order from some factory and get it on the cheap, just like our carpets and the alebrijes we scored on while on the trips to Oaxaca.

950pm UPDATE

Max let us know he was not happy and with madre up in the oficina, in goes the Niño Whisperer. Not sure if this is a sign of things to come, but I talked to him, gave him back the misplaced soother, lay him back down and rested my hand on his chest, he gave a sigh, rolled over and was back asleep. Phew.

The rest of the day was about alberca time and then while I cooked la cena (hola to some T-bones), Max y madre had a quick walk around town.

The late day walk is new, but we felt Max was getting condo fever right before the rutina started, so we want to keep him interested in the comings and goings of Huatulco.


Padre...the flash?

I'm outta here.

Darn paparazzi.

We are about 1 inch from having to move everything off this shelf.

The foto he is reaching for is the regalo given to me on Día de los Padres. The collage of fotos of Max and I.

Hello Bitts? Are you back there?

I bow to you, oh mighty Toy Story bum wipe holder!!

He actually loves that thing.

Going in for the taste test.

From the walk...a tranquilo día.

Break time for the Fonatur peeps.

Bexico would love a purple Safari.

An idea for the main door to our Mojon Casa.

On the way to the alberca, Max y madre stopped so Max could have his first crawl in some grass. He looked a little confused by the experience.

But we think he found a 4 leaf clover!!

And then we hit the alberca for some float time.

And more silly time.

And some pool side crawling practice. Check out madre's abs!!

Max y madre have spotted Max's novia, Willamina

Nothing stops a niño in love!!

Talking about love....

Dos ojos abierto...oh Max.

And this would be Willamina.

Mañana..jueves. That is all I know for now.

Have a great día.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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