miercoles, el 27 de junio de 2012

Why Max is assuming "the position", we are not sure.

Well, the attempt at getting Max to sleep in his cuna…is over.

After several days of trying, and after several cradling sessions last night, it just isn’t the right time.

Anoche, we put him back in the bed he is familiar with, and he was lights out. We would rather continue down this route, knowing he is happy and getting a good sleep. Thank goodness we bought the king size colchone!!

815pm and madre y Max are doing their best to get him tanked up and then asleep…fingers crossed.

The day went well, but no alberca time as the day just slipped away. As well, my walk with Max did not happen, but was done by madre…doph.

Instead of a walk, we had 2 hours of chest time…no one is complaining. Ja ja ja

So, throw in el gimnasio and a trip to Che, and that sums up my day. Muy tranquilo.

Great workout at the gym and the familia had a fun time at Che as not only did we have some good scores (hola to mas cheddar!!), but it is always nice to have peeps stop and talk about Max.

On that note, madre y Max were in Oxxo (our 7-11) and were chatting up some out of town Mexicanos when she said something that was not meant to be funny, but easily could be (doble sentido…double meaning) and who starts laughing? Only our friendly neighborhood Vitel amigos, Amy y Victor.

Those guys are fun and really enjoy talking to us…almost too much. I am upstairs about to shower, the front door is closed and all I hear is the constant buzzing of our door buzzer.

I go down and it is Amy, with our garaffon, and he just wants to talk and let me know he has seen Max y Bex in the centro. Better to have overly excited amigos then no friends at all.

And what do they do with the propina we leave them everytime they lug up 19 litros of agua to our condo?

Caught eating again. Hilairious.

The rest of the fotos.

Lots of young peeps here, get their starts in the kitchens of the major hotels in Tangolunda.

Update on the new arbol.

You would have to be so lost to even find this sign, which is in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

By el gimnasio, a parque where Max can play.

Ayer, Bex had a Skype with a possible client and it all went well. Stay tuned. 

Meanwhile she putters on the remaining work she has as we know that it comes in waves for her and lots of work is just on the horizon.

Just saw a commercial for Lotto Max…hmmmm.

Misc…Bex y Max picked up the light cover…$450 pesos? No discount for awesome niño y yummy mummy?

Last fotos.

Left side...tight...tight like a tiger.

Right side? More bum lifts?

Da plane, da plane.

Ok mis amigos, have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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