viernes, el 29 de junio de 2012

Hola and welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your night off from reading all about me going to el gimnasio and what we ate para la cena….as much as we did!! Ja ja ja

First things first. Read this clip.

It is a screen shot from a website, the one for which Bexico created the character and all the flowers. Pretty impressive…felicidades!!

And more congrats for Bex? She had managed to turn Max’s cereal in to cookies!! Why is this important? Porque he does not like eating mushy food anymore and wants something to gum and to sharpen his one tooth on. The cookies work perfect!!

Weather? We have had 2 very sunny and warm days. Great for the pool and great for Amy’s Vitel business as we were drinking 1 garaffon every 2 days and now it is 1 a day.

Need to get water? Juts look for the boys at the comedor.

Ayer. Yesterday.

Hoy. Today.

Fridge update? The part has arrived in Regina in one piece!! We should see it before the end of julio…stay tuned.

TV star? We were watching the 6pm News, at 8pm and who do we see? Jim Romer, past MS Exec Chef and current owner of Romers,  doing a commercial…small world.

A great day as Max had a good night’s sleep…and how about the 715am wake up call!!! A lot better then 5 or 6am.

Walk time, giggle time, pool time, crawl time, JJ time, eating time and nap time…pretty much wraps up my day…and Max’s too!!

Let’s get to some more fotos.

Sippy cup action shots.

Ok, so the cup was upside down and is now on the floor...cut him some slack, he is a niño!!

How's this for pool time?

Click on foto to see it full size...madre y Max have the pool to themselves.

I read that Huatulco missed a lot of damage from the hurricane due to it's preparedness. More of that is visible here.

School fotos...they all ooo'd when they saw the lil'niño.

One of Max's many tios.

Blue sky, the smell of pollo in the air, and an extension on the smoke stack.

The arbol de limon across the street from CP. Free limes for all.

I am looking for a previous foto taken from the same spot...totally brown. Amazing what a little lluvia will do.

They all screamed at me to take their I did.

Fonatur was making some new lids.

The beam holds up a circle that becomes the base of the new concrete lid. There is rebar in the hole and then they used the paper from the cement bag as wax paper, so the concrete does not stick. Pour in the concrete, let it cure and then remove the beam. Ta da.

Mobile auto y moto parts. This hombre was buying a new headlamp.

Rambutan...a truck full of rambutan.

Maybe this is why the internet is slow? Looks like a poste was knocked down and Telmex is reinstalling their lines. I did see our amigo Bruno and said hola to him. 

Mojon news? I had a long meeting with both Sergio y Roman and picked up the CAD drawings. If we can afford it all, pretty sweet looking place to live and rent.

Before martes, Bexico and I will review them one more time and see if we need any small changes and then get them back to the team. Phase 3 will take a few weeks and it includes a detailed line by line cost of everything, from the sinks to the tiles.

That is what the base price of the construction has been based on and we will then be able to look at the cost of any upgrades we have chosen. Upgrades? Like having closets under the sinks in the baño? Upgrade? Viva Mexico!!

So we will spend some time looking at outlet placements, the need for extra outlets, the number of lighting fixtures and the such.

Great looking plans…stay tuned.

Mañana…is it sábado already? El gimnasio and the race is on at 630pm!!

Buen fin de semana and all you Canadian folks, enjoy the Canada Day long weekend.

PS...for those that just MUST know, we had pollo patties last night for dinner...never again. Pasta tonight, muslo pollo mañana y steak domingo!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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