viernes, el 22 de junio de 2012

Another late night? Huh?

Hey Max, how was your sleep last night?

What up with the lil’hombre waking up at 5am and then not going back to sleep for almost an hour? I rocked him for 20 minutes plus and Bex took over and finally got him to sleep.

They were in the other room and I grabbed a few hours alone and took over at 730am. Madre was pooped and needed her zzzz. She had been up late finishing 2 projects before deadline and then couldn’t sleep. Doph.

Click HERE for a link to the book that Bex created the cover for.

And for the latest Max video, click HERE.
Yup, Max gusta nadar!!

Ok, the rest of the day was pretty much the norm, but we did see Roseanne and Mike. Members of their famiia bought a condo here, so they all came down together.

Normally from mayo to septiembre, we see no Canadians and this year we have seen quite a few and are expecting a few more too.

We did a Che run and scored on both some Caesar croutons AND 3 more blocks of cheddar cheese!! Yahoo. Also stocked up for the weekends dinners…and mañana a night off from cooking. Hello dinner out for the familia!!

Good session at el gimnasio, and also a great walk con Max. Now a days I take him out of the sling and show off his standing abilities. Peeps that know him, are amazed at his size once they see him out of the sling, known as the canguro, as in the pouch.

Then they see him stand and realizing he turned only 33 weeks today, are doubly impressed!!

Today it was at the restaurant Betto works at, where there are also 2 senoritas that LOVE Max. We spent 5 minutes there and then off we went on our adventure.

Two pool sessions today. You have seen the video of the lil’splasher, and here are the rest of the fotos.

Another $10 pesos!!

A little "stranger anxiety" from the lil'swimmer...but a hug and beso from madre fixed that all up!!

Mainly overcast day, but with some sunny breaks that heated up both the air and the pool. As per the norm, no sun after 3pm and a few rumbles from the montaña, but no lluvia.

And the rest of the fotos.

From our walk.

Fresh from the Oaxacan valley. Delivery day at Fruver...stocked for the fin de semana.

Here is the niña that LOVES Max and calls his name out when we are walking by.

The zocalo.

And the rest of the Max fotos.

These are the expressions of a 33 week old niño, who had a crappy sleep, has had his first walk of the day, needs to eat his desayunos and then take a nap.

Mañana…sábado!! Hopefully we sleep in until at least 7am…hit the gym, have a tranquilo día and end it with some eats at a restaurante.

Don’t forget the race is on domingo at 2pm Huatulco time.

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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