lunes, el 18 de junio de 2012

Well, wish us luck. Buen suerte.

Due to the recent experiences of Max falling asleep despues de his cena of leche, but then waking up several times in the hour after, we are trying something new.

Tonight he will be fed and then put into his cuna where we will watch and listen to him via the monitor. We are curious if he can put him self to sleep, or if he will just stand up and walk circles.

The goal is all about self soothing and him feeling secure that he can fall asleep by himself. We are not keen on the “let the niño cry themselves to sleep” method, even if it brings faster results than our method. Not judging what other peeps have done, but our belief is that somewhere in their psyche, niños crying themselves to sleep cannot be a good thing.

So, stay tuned and wish us luck.

The day started at a decent hour!! 7am came and there was the lil’hombre looking at us with the “you can sleep when you are dead” expression on his face.

Madre was close to death (kidding) after working long hours on the Australia based project, so the 2 hombres got out of bed and started our rutina.

Talking about Bex, her current workload includes repeat clients in Belgium and Australia as well as a book cover for another repeat client. And her last job is some samples for a company and WHEN she is chosen over the other candidates, it will lead to consistent work from August to December. Muy exciting!!

Max and I had some good hour together, including a nice walk around town. It was cooler this morning, made it a lot easier on the two of us!!

And since there was some leche in the fridge, no need to wake madre. So the lil’napper and I hit the sack for a well deserved 90 minute CN!!

After that, he was hungry as he was working on  over 7 hours sin boobie. Topped up the tank and then we hit the alberca for a short session.
The sun was popping in and out from behind the nube.

But the agua had not heated up much in the past few cloud covered days, so Max spent most of his time in his float…in which by the way, I duct taped closed the leg holes.

He did want to try the agua and with a brrrr and some complaints about shrinkage, we left the pool and madre took over.

I hit el gimnasio and walked home in a light shower. Pit stop to say hola to the boys and then grabbed some eats at Santa Cruz Abarrotes…hello to Bexico’s Huatulco famous pizza para la cena!!

The familia was headed for a nap, so I puttered and then after they awoke (oh sure…it was just Max that slept!!) Max and I hit the road for another walk.

Good for madre to get a head start on tonight’s oficina work.

So, 640pm, the pizzas are in the oven, Max is keeping busy in his Party Palace and you are all up to date.


Cheerio training....getting Max to use his fingers and thumbs.

Calle Bugambilia at 830am....tranquilo.

We are going to have one of these trees on our playa.

It is a lime tree and on our walks, just like the senorita, we have started grabbing some fresh limes.

Grangy? Or just raro?

Mañana? No sé yet. Our landlord had no luck with tracking down the builder of his loft, so I might be reaching out to Roman to swing by. Stay tuned.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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