domingo, el 3 de junio de 2012

One day I am sure we will need to have several of “the” talks with Max. I am saving THIS article for Max to read so he has lot’s to think about prior to making up his own mind.

Our day? A super fun day and not sure where it went. Thank goodness for Kurt Busch being an idiot…he made some comments that were reported to Nascar and then ESPN said he was talked to 90 minutes before today’s race.

Huh? I read this online at 1230pm and I thought the race started at 6pm. Doph…mis read my schedule and managed to turn on the race after 7 laps had gone by. Missed the “big one”, the crash, but it was a good race.

Prior to race day, Max and I started the day muy temprano again. Not sure what is going on in his brain at 615am, but he was stirring again, 2nd day in a row.

So I grabbed him a pillow, threw an arm around him and the next thing I know it was 715am and we had both fallen asleep for an extra hour. Score!!

Some puttering around, then some desayunos of 2 apple and 2 peach cubitos y cereal. The lil’machine made it half way very fast, and the 2nd half? Not so fast…doph.

Then comes some practice time for standing and falling, followed by his first nap and then time for our walk around town. I decided to take the stroller today, to see how he liked it and to see if we could stay out longer and not be so hot.

So off we went and tough to tell if we were cooler. Max has his little fan, but is now in the stroller. Me? No extra 20 pounds, but it was still hot.

We pit stopped in the zocalo, then hit the panadería to get madre her domingo croissant and then off to the campo. No futbol today, but there was a basketball game and Max seemed to enjoy that.

We bumped into Yeo and chatted it up. He also held Max and confirmed that yes, Max tiene mucho peso…he has a lot of weight.

Headed home and found the race and then spent the rest of the afternoon with one eye on Max (Bex had 2 ojos on him), one eye on the race and one on the cocina plans I am drawing up for Roman.

Both sets of cocina plans are coming along…and I have made sure we will not be so friggin hot when cooking in our casa at Mojon!!

915pm UPDATE…

Wow, that was full hour of the Niño Whisperer’s time!! Max was fed and being rocked and then the hiccups hit. I went in and spent 20 minutes helping him get rid of the hiccups (I held him upside down), then he was reinvigorated, so I spent 20 minutes watching him hump his way around the bed.

The last 20 was trying to get him to sleep and when he finally was exhausted of trying not to sleep, he quickly fell asleep in my arms. I put him on the bed and he is currently asleep with his ass in the air!! Hilarious to see.

Ok, back to the day….but before that happens, I must share with you that madre is rearranging the Play Palace again. She truly cares for Max’s fun time and is worried about him clunking his noggin.

I too worry about these things, but when he seems to be happy lugging an empty Coca Light bottle around on our walks, I am ok with that!!! Ja ja ja

Max y Bex had a very nice Skype with her padres as well as her hermano and his girlfriend. Nice to hear peeps gush about how cute the lil’flirter is. While Bex was on the computer, I grabbed Max and changed him up for alberca time. Then it was back to the fashion show, showing him off to her brother. The kid is just too cute in his surf shorts y rash guard.

Max and I split and hit the pool. Huh? There were other peeps there? Threw Max for a loop, but he recovered nicely and we had a relaxing time.

Madre is almost ready to rejoin the swimming familia, maybe mañana. She did come down and took care of changing him out of his swim gear and into a Comodisec panale.

Then it was upstairs for some more practicing of standing as well as some chill’laxing time, but with his energy level and lust for all things new, there hasn’t been too much of the chill’laxing time!!!

A great cena and Max as per usual, was super well behaved. But not sure what happens once he gets into the tina. He is calm and cool for the first 5 minutes and then goes nuts as he tries to escape. A handful for madre…great workout though. Lol

And that was our day.


Front seat passenger as I grabbed the stroller out of the back of the camioneta.

At the campo.

Why, hello there.

And one from our guest photographer.

Mañana? Lunes…back to el gimnasio and we will see what else comes up.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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