jueves, el 7 de junio de 2012

Buenos noches.
745pm and Bex is giving Max the tank up and hopefully he will be lights out after that.

He did have 3 naps today…including a 60 minute and 80 minute CN…one con madre y one con yo!!

And last night? 8 hours without waking up for leche…a new record. And other then a 1 minute blip, he slept from 8pm until 645am. Not bad if you ask me.

Usual routine but again being up early, means a walk before the first nap. Just as well as Bex needed to be up for a 9am MJ call…that was then postponed until 9pm esta noche…doph.

So Max and I had our desayunos and talked about the Beatles for a while. He seems to be a Rolling Stone niño?

Off for our walk and it is tranquilo at that time of the day. No viento so it was humido, but a pit stop in the zocalo cooled us down.

There we watched 1 senora y 2 senoritas talking in ingles. The senora was an older white abuela type mujer and the 3 of them came over to us and first asked if we spoke ingles.

Then the white lady went on about how Max was cute etc, quickly followed by the “can we leave you some literature to read?”. Doph…the JW’s again. I said no, I already had some, and then one of the two Mexicanas said “that’s Max. Everyone in Huatulco knows Max!!”. Hilarious.

We have an in with the JWs if ever need be.

Booked it home to wake up madre, but first we pit stopped into SC Abarrotes to grab some malvavisco so Baker Bex can make some Rice Crispie Treats for the fishing excursion. Hey, I cannot show up empty handed!!

Max and I hit the hay and madre checked email and found out she did not have to be awake so early…doph.

After the nap, some puttering around and a FT with Max’s abuelos. They had not seen him for a while…7 days was it Oma? Nice to know she has been counting the days since the last video chat!!

Once we were all ready, the familia all walked to el gimnasio. Nice to have some company and nice to have all mis amigos say hola to Max as we completed the walk.

820pm UPDATE

Just back from 15 minutes of Niño Whisperer duty. All good and the lil’dreamer is lights out…fingers crossed!! Ja ja ja

Back to the day, a great workout and had some funny chats with Fermin. His ingles is very good and as I work mi español on him and he works on his ingles. So we were talking about age and weight and then he just came right out and asked me “how long are you?”. Huh? Naaaah…I knew what he meant, and I told him just under 6 feet tall.

Makes me wonder how many times I have said something that wasn’t correct, but peeps let it go because they knew I was trying.

I asked Daniel how you ask if someone had a good day off from work. His reply translates into “how was your rest?”, but again I am not sure if his answer is also the correct answer.

Después de el gimnasio it was off to the centro to check in on the gang. Lalo is stressed because his padre is in hospital for some hernia operations. One issue is that peeps do not take good care of themselves and then when they do get ill, it is normally a compounded issue.

Daniel has been stressed about the low season money woes, but today seems good. His esposa, Daphne, quit her job with Daniel’s madre…smart move if you ask me.

But some good news…Daniel told me our fridge shelf was here!! We went to the depot and doph…not there. Maybe mañana…oh I fear the word mañana. Stay tuned.

Headed home and cleared up some emails with Roman, tonight I will work on the 2nd Mojon quote and see where we are at.

All work and no play? Naaah. Off to the alberca and the familia had a good float. Then it was upstairs and the pm rutina commenced.

Overcooked the cerdo…doph. And I know better which is the sad part. Oh well…thank goodness for the moisture additive called apple sauce!!

Bexico stands by for her MJ with the potential new client, I am watching some news and updating you, and Max is in la la land…dreaming about hamburgers and hot dogs!!

Some fotos?

Max and the mirror.

From the walk home after el gimnasio.

This is a very busy street corner. The camioneta in the bottom right belongs to Un Ojo Coco Frio.

I bump into Amy y Victor often and they are usually eating.

This hombre was like a portable dollar store of tools. He laid out his tarp and displayed a bunch of tools he was carrying...all for sale.

Presidential elections...this is the mascota of the Verde Party. Wonder how much he gets paid to wear that in 45,0 grado heat?

A Verde Party candidate was speaking amongst these peeps.

The cuna series.

I have seen the light!!

Or more likely un arbol moving in the breeze. The niño is fascinated with trees moving in the wind.


They cannot all be "pretty" pictures!!

Whatever it takes to get himself standing up.

Mañana? No sé…but I am sure it will be a full day.

Have a great viernes.

Last foto.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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