viernes, el 15 de junio de 2012

930pm and the rain has stopped.

Here is the current hurricane mapa…we are in the clear.

And click HERE if you want to brush up on the different levels of hurricanes.
Funny Max stories?

Tucked Max in with madre for night time leche. He slapped her while getting leche crazy and then let out a little person laugh. Hilarious.

Then the other day we were all at Gabriels and they were talking about eating iguana y perro and we made a face and then saw Max made the same “are you Mexicans crazy?” look. Everyone was howling with laughter.

Roman update.

Nice casa we went to visit and lots of great little ideas to make our simple casa look impressive. Using river rock as shower floors, use of wood beams, lights in the stairwells etc.

We went over the current set of drawings and answered a few questions before the drawings went to the CAD stage. Better to ask the questions now and save $$.

Biggest issue is in regards to parking. We need to solve the issue of having the nose of any vehicles parked under the rental casa, sticking out into the deck of the pool area. Stay tuned.

Max is on the mend, but does he HATE taking the drops and we hate forcing them into him. But we have seen results, and at the end of the day, his health improving is what matters.

He was awake a few times last night and Bexico did get him to sleep by slipping him the jugs and once we had to give him the drops. He stirred at 6am…not again I said…but I rocked him and gave him another CN until 7am!!

930pm update…the dude is working his way over the Niagara Falls. And here in Huatuclo….brrr. It is winter here…24,5 grados. Bexico is on a Skype with a repeat client, one based in Australia. She is a busy senorita and has lots on the go.


Roof leak…argh. All in the loft, so we have had to 911 a move of Bexico’s oficina to a corner of the loft that is dry. We have had rain before, but not like we just experienced, and it is coming through the ceiling and walls in at least 4 places.

Fotos taken…will send to the landlord in Hawaii. Doph.

Back to the day.

Due to the rain, there was no alberca time today and during one of the few breaks in the lluvia, madre took Max for his walk.

Of course there was some JJ time and Amy actually came in and joined us while Max was eating his desayunos and asking me about the different levels of hurricanes.

Two days ago Amy was intrigued with the waterproof camera, today he was amazed at the rocking Fischer Price Conejito chair we picked up in Portland OR.

Different part of the mundo has peeps experiencing different things.

I did take the camioneta to el gimnasio, where during several rain bursts, the noise of the rain on the tin roof was deafening!!

Ayer, Fermin warned me to stay away from driving under the palm trees. With all the viento, many a coco were destined to fall and break a few parabrisas…windshields.

But it was interesting to see torrential rain and peeps driving their motos, no helmets and no goggles. How did the see anything? And the die hards were still at it, selling tortillas and the such. Gotta feed the familia.

Despues de gimnasio, off to Che and it stopped raining long enough for me to do the Che, grab some more mats for Max’s Party Palace and get home and unload everything!!
Che was packed with Mexican beach goers…who were no longer going to the playa!! They all came into Che to grab their comida, lunch.

No scores at Che but we are stocked for the next few dinners!!

Wow is it damp in here. Same thing this morning where the couch cushions were damp and the towels left over night were still wet too. Only a few times a year does this happen…bizarre.

The mats work great for Max and he seemed to enjoy the new and improved…good work madre.

Good dinner and the rutina went off fairly smooth. Anxious moments right before he goes in for his tank up, but other then that, a dream to have around. And knock on wood…he has been asleep for a few hours…without waking up!!

Mañana…camera patrol to see what the storm left behind. Also will need to follow up on the leaky boat we live in. Hey, it’s just like a condo in Vancouver!!


From a few days ago.

Nube obscura over the mountains.

Keeping the walk clean in front of padre's tienda.

Big storm, big swells, mucha camioneta con tabla de surf!!

Good news for peeps who want to build rental accommodations on a surf beach!!

Not a very expensive cart...the niño does not mind.

Un perro.

A small break in the lluvia. A foto of the canal that runs through the city, from the montaña to del mar.

Moments later it rose another few inches as the heavy stuff really came down.

Madre took a power siesta and Max and I hung out. He was MUY curioso about the lluvia that was pouring down outside. The windows are to his right.

Are we really safe up here? What about that tree blowing in the wind?

Nice answer padre...not sure if I agree.

Let me take another look.

Are you really sure?

Looks pretty bad padre.

And once he was satisfied that being on the segundo piso (but 3rd floor), he was safe from the lluvia and that the arbol that was bending at 90 degrees was NOT coming through the window...time to hit the jugettes!!

Note the soother. We do not use it very often, bad for teeth. But good for peace and quiet!!

There are no bathtubs in most Mexican casas. Our condo is no different and Max has outgrown his tina. he is not too big for it, but it takes 2 of us to keep him in it so he can be bathed.

Madre came up with the new idea...hey, it works and he can even practice his standing in there!!

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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