lunes, el 11 de junio de 2012

Well, this is a day we do not want to have repeated. Yikes.

It started last night at 9pm.

-Max was awake and I went in to get him back asleep

-1030pm he woke up again as I was heading to sleep. It took 30 minutes to get him back asleep and then it was chest napping until 1am or so

-managed to get him onto his tummy, but then he rolled and rolled and next thing you know, great snugs…but I had 3 inches of bed

-2am’ish and he is awake and crying. Leche did not work, rocking did not work

-he has poo poo issues…doph. And his teeth-to-be hurt. And he is now so tired

-Bex stepped up and took him to the spare room and spent some time rocking him, a CN and only a nap for herself

-630am they woke me up as Bex was exhausted

-I took over and we did the morning rutina to the best of our abilities…both of us tired and he still has a bug of some sort causing him discomfort

-did our walk, back for leche and the 3 of us napped

-awake after 30 minutes and we let madre get some more well deserved sleep

-some play time, some FT con Max’s abuelos and some pool time too

-1130am and time for another nap…2.5 hours later, the longest CN in history!!

-Max was “better” but hasn’t been 100% himself for 2 days

-we walked to our pediatra’s oficina and made a cita for 530pm

-the doctor was on time!! Max has acquired “stranger anxiety” and he had a good cry as the doctor looked at him

-I took care of him outside the oficina as Bex dealt with the doctor

-so many topics on line dealing with what we were seeing with Max’s “business”, but the doctor says it sounds like and looks like (we brought a foto!!) a bug

-the cost for the visit and the 2 prescriptions which we picked up at Farmacia Similar? $40 Cdn.

So that is the Max story and what made this a wacky day. All three of us have been exhausted and Max was also pooped. Get it? Pooped?

He has some drops to take 3 cada día for a week and some probiotics to take 3 cada día for 3 días. Looks like a fun time at 2am…ugh. The drops don’t taste good…as per the look on the lil’hombre’s face.

We hate seeing our lil’trooper go through this stuff, as he is normally so happy and go lucky. But we know it is all part of being a niño and growing up.

As for the bug, all we can do is make sure we work harder on cleaning his manos and his juguetes.

Three to seven days and he should be all better…stay tuned.

So…no gym today. Not much of anything but the good feeling that we were here to spend the day with Max.

There are some fotos!!

Last night before all the fun started. Someone is snuggling up to the camera!

It was an early walk, thus no taxis on calle Carrizal.

So early, the veggie delivery truck was just arriving.

But not too early for these 2 mutts.

What's in the box?

A live gallo...rooster.

A poster for a HUGE vent in Oaxaca.

Click HERE for more info on the Gueleguetza Festival. We will go and experience it once Max is older.

It has been a long time since we saw a movie. Maybe we take Max to a matinee this week.

Waiting for the meds.

The patient with his Mexican

Misc…congrats to the Kings for winning The Stanley Cup. At least it was the team that knocked the Nucks out of the play offs.

I heard back from Roman. He cleared up a question about items above and beyond the original quotes and said he was meeting with Sergio mañana. They will arrange our next meeting date and time…stay tuned.

Have a great martes and wish Max a speedy recovery…and some good sleep for his padres!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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