miercoles, el 30 de mayo de 2012

Buenos tardes.

Mi vida es buena mis amigos...buena.

4pm and Max has just finished a FT with his Victoria abuelos…and live on camera, from in his cuna, for the very first time, he managed to pull himself up from a seated position into a standing position!!

Not bad for a niño who will be 30 weeks old on viernes!!

Max is now pooped and headed to fill his tanque and have a nap. After that? Hola to alberca time!!

810pm, watching some news while Bex tucks in the little hombre. At 9pm Bex will be plugging in the MJ for a chat with a potential client. So I might be taking a blog break soon…unless I speed it up.

Hey…madre had the golden shower today!! Been a while since we had one of those…I was the last lucky recipient!! Ja ja ja

Ok, best part of the day? Taking a nap with Max, and when getting up finding madre waiting for us. Great to see Bex, but the best part? Telling her we enjoyed our almost 50 minute chest nap, only to be told it was actually an hour AND 50 minutes!! Yikes. It was 1115am…the day was half over. Ja ja ja

I guess we both needed the zzz…I felt great after!!

I did have the early shift and we squeezed in our desayunos and a walk. It was a short walk as I knew Max’s nap clock was ticking down, but we still managed to take a pit stop in the zocalo.

Always amazed at the amount of peeps that recognize Max by name, not just as the cutest white niño in Huatulco.

Today as we were walking around centro, Max asked about the “grande casa” and pointed to the iglesia. We had “the talk”…religion and he seems to like what the Dali Lama is all about. Who knew?

Home for the nap…is a 2 hour CN a nap? And after that Bex y Max headed out for a looooong walk and I jumped in the camioneta and headed t el gimnaiso.

I was headed to Che after the gym, thus I took the truck. I tell ya, not having a 18 minute walk in killer heat, sure gives you a lot more energy to work out in the killer heat of the gym!!

Good workout and nice to see Fermin back in the gym.

Wow was Che busy. Big haul, but they were low on meats y pollo as well as still out of our tipo de panales.

No scores but nice to see $822 pesos in groceries is only $65 Cdn mas o menos.

Home for some chill time and when Max awoke from his nap, hola to the pool. Madre has a sore toe, so she is not pool able for the next few days. Want to see a triste madre…it would be Bex not able to join the familia in the pool. Want to see a triste niño…it would be Max looking for his muy tonta (silly) madre in the alberca.

Después de alberca, upstairs for the rutina and that really takes care of the day. Good chuletas con arroz para la cena!!


Padre...the flash?

Did you hear that rippie?

Ok...maybe I did get up too early.

As of two days ago, this is an example of what we spend our days keeping both ojos on.

Only two fotos from the walk. We were greeted by a few tamarindos outside the gates of the complex. Poor hombre had his Jeep hit last night and the driver did not stick around.

We do have Mexican vehicle insurance...a must down here because I bet most locals do not.

915pm and the client didn’t call. Adios to this hombre as this is strike #3!! Bex has earned the right to choose her clients and this guy will not be one!!

So my computer is back…but now I am distracted by Duck Dynasty on the idiot box!!

Misc...sent out an email to get some info about satellite internet services for Mojon. Stay tuned.

Mañana…jueves and I have no idea what’s up. I do know we are having comida con Karen y Randy on viernes…Los Gallos just across the calle.

Last fotos.

The second huge accomplishment in Max's day? He managed to sit up on his own. Here he is examining an example of his latest fixation, tags, and this one is on the regalo from Melon, his Mini Max teether.

Have a great Thursday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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