martes, el 29 de julio de 2014

He looks like a lead singer in a band and the bottle is his microphone!! More on the outfit later!!

Buenos tardes!! Wow...that was quite the 546am wake up!! Anoche, Max needed all 35 minutos of Niño Whisperer time, but fell asleep in the cuna!!

One wake up at 430am..."Poppa, hand on back please"...Max's new thing vs manos. And he was lights out in seconds.

Lots of TNT, toss n'turn, around 520am....waaaaaay to early for a wake up, so I scooped him up and threw him in my arms. Rocking at 521am, laying in my arms at 522am, asleep next to me at 530am, did not stir during the 6.3 terremotto at 546am, and then awake for good at 630am. Score!!!

Terremotto you say? Huatulco is located directly south of the estrella, star, maybe 150-200 km away.

It was a long and strong one, but as the Mexicanos say, they are not worried about earthquakes, they are worried when they haven't had one on a while!!

And for those that want even more HERE for a short read.

So after the excitement, we were onto our rutinas. Videos, tranquilo time, huge desayunos and then onto Che martes.

First off was a quick prowl to SCA where we grabbed some huevos, and then into the camioneta verde we went. Off to Fonatur to drop off the recycling and then the Che ran began. I must say, Max was so well behaved and I am not sure when the "switch" was turned back on, but he was saying hola to almost everyone!!

That makes me very happy because not only does it put a smile on other peeps faces, it is just respectful and that is a great lesson for Max to understand.

No scores, but we did get everything on our list. The funnest part of the Che trip? Max in the cart and with the air freshener in his hand, he pretended to spray anyone that came near to him!! There were a ton of smiles and laughs from peeps, and a few concerned faces...from the muy serio peeps!! Relax you peeps!!

Back home by 1040am and due to the 630am wake up, it was too early for a siesta. Only one thing to do...familia swim!!

I put the groceries away and then raced downstairs to join in on the festivities!! We headed upstairs at 1120am and Max was asleep before noon...he was pooped!! Score one for the pre-siesta swim!!

A good 80 minuto siesta and when Max woke up. we reviewed the fotos from the day and then I was off to el gimnasio.

The familia had some play time and then cook time and at 2pm Laura arrived. Max enjoyed his first hour with her, but then lost interest in español...and Laura!!

We are thinking we will go down to one hour sessions and continue to keep it a fun but educational session.

On the way home from the gym , I pit stopped into the joyeria and said hola hola to the gang. I had not seen Sergio o Daniel in a while, and it was good to catch up. We have known them since the first week we landed here, and they have remained friendly and helpful the complete time.

I left them laughing when I told Daniel I could not read his mind because his ingles was malo. Ja ja ja

I met up with the familia at the casa and after an adios to Laura, the familia headed out for a swim and I did some clean up and puttering around.

Currently 520pm and the pollo muslo is 10 minutos away. The familia is looking at the coloring book and working on their español.

So, time for the fotos!!

This morning, Pudge came every where with us, including the foto arbol. Here are a few poses of the two amigos.


Loving the look? It was post Che and pre-swim and he needed a leche pit stop while getting changed into swim gear. Very GQ eh?

A few fotos from ayer. Here Max is headed out to the playa con su madre.

Cooking la cena.

Pausing for a foto before we start cooking the pollo.

Nope, we are not headed for a beso, but "nose nose", something The Boys have been doing for a long time!!

Ok, off to get la cena plated. I will finish this off esta noche, despues de tina time!!

Hasta pronto!!

Buenos noches!! Maybe it is cloudy, but el sol is not visible, thus buenos noches vs tardes!!

A great dinner, Max ate a huge portion of the pollo muslo!! Maybe he is stocking up on food so he will have a ton of energy for mañana...water parque miercoles!! He is sooooo excited!!

Any who...dinner, a FT con Oma y Opa, clean up, a good bici ride, tina time and I already hear the bed time musica playing.

Hoping for a fast bed time...buen suerte!!

Mañana...the parque!!

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max


Oh oh...a crappy bed time. It is 845pm and after 55 minutos....I gave up. Argh. The lil'man just could not fall asleep. Bex is in the bed room...hopefully closing the show. What this means for the noche? Normally a few wakes up and then an early final wake up. Yikes...stay tuned.

And a small correction. There was a score at Che!! I forgot that I picked up a 6 pack of cream soda and a 6 pack of black cherry cola!! Score!!

Hasta mañana.

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