martes, el 15 de julio de 2014

I was caught off guard at 730am when the lil'man told me business was off we went!! Hoping for a first...I was ready to wake madre...but alas, after 10 minutos we had nunca. Check back mañana!!

Buenos tardes. How is your heat wave treating you? Us?

Only 32,0 feeling like 44,0. I call BS as it feels like 50,0!!

Currently 430pm and the social butterflies, also known as mi familia, are off at the jungla having a play date with all the amigas. They will be back in an hour for a mish mash cena...salchicha, left over pollo, some arroz, papas etc.

The best part of the día so far? After a little longer bedtime then the past few noches, 30 minutos con padre, Max was asleep in his cuna by 825pm and other then some garbled words in the middle of the noche and a little TNT as well, he slept right through the night and woke up in his cuna at 610am. Super score!!

Now that was the best part of the día. The funnest part so far (different then best) has to have been the Poppa y Max dance party we had right outside the Super Che doors. We were leaving with our cart full and they were blaring some high tempo Mexican rock and roll...time to dance.

After "raising the roof","shaking the bum" and doing "the move" for over 5 minuto, we had received many a smile, some curious looks and a few "what the heck are those gringos doing?" looks. But we had a blast!!

As for the rest of the día...videos, tranquilo time, desayunos, a quick carretilla tour to SCA where we loaded it up with pan y huevos. wheeled back to the camioneta verde and then it was off to Fonatur to drop off the recycling and then onto Che.

Scored everything on our list, including some more Franks Red get a free small botttle when you buy some French's mostaza. We now have a cupboard full of mustard!! ja ja ja

We danced and then headed home for leche, libros and another 70 minuto siesta.

I was off to el gimnasio and after some play time and silly time, the familia settled in for their comida before heading downstairs to the CP alberca for a swim.

Post gimnasio, I was home for a dip, upstairs for a salad and some clean up and then before Max y Bex headed out, the boys went and grabbed some papas para la cena.

All caught up...onto a ton of fotos.

We keep the carretilla in the back of the truck...listo para tours!!

What? Una sonrisa? Score!!

Up in the's a bird, it's a's madre in the window!!

Look who puts on the charm.

Doing the "s" with the wheelbarrow.

And this was dance party #1 for the day.

At the price checker in SCA, Max touches a button, the machine goes beep and he runs to me to tell me he has "paid my finger".

Outside SCA and we needed some agua.

From ayer...I spotted the familia headed out as I was coming home. Here they are discussing the different burns they have received from their cooking.

The day Max puked on madre at Soriana, he scored a helicoptero.

Chick a pow pow madre.




If it ends with a smile, it was a good sneeze!!

Time to get this dinner going. You know the rutina...I will finish this off after tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! All good here in hot Huatulco. We are in the leche y libros stage of the evening and in 10 more minutos it will be time for the meditation musica. Buen suerte!!

A great dinner and Max ate a ton...always a good sign. Clean up and then off we went for our 30 minutos of bici riding and falling. Three times in 15 minutos...what up with that lil'man? Sharp turns, running over his own foot while trying to get the bici up to Mach 5 and then maybe a little distracted riding due to a señorita? Oh Max.

But he is a trooper and dusted himself off, looked at the bici like it was its fault, got back on and off he went. Muy fuerte.

Home for tina time, creamed up the saddle sore bum...Max's...and ta da, the day is coming to a close.

Mojon on sábado and the Nascar boys have the week off...oh what shall I do? Ja ja ja

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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