sábado, el 14 de mayo de 2011

Buenos noches!!!

Saturday night in the big town of La Crucecita. Another festival happened in the zocalo…we missed it. Doph. Horses and nínos…not sure what the event was for.

If you had a place to live, right on the zocalo, now that would be exciting!! Oaxaca City has several hotels right on their zocalo…and that place never sleeps.

Our day…wow did we get up late!! Being pregnant is making both of us sleepy. Ja ja ja Actually I was up late doing some web surfing and have actually found the long lost Brits…the original peeps from Mojon who were the go-between for our property sale. They are in the Caribbean…doing an eco-resort thing. All the best to them.

So…being as flexible as we are…we have pushed Mojon to mañana (weather dependent) because by the time we did our workouts and Bexico did some work, it would have been too late to go today.

Huevos revueltos con cheddar para desyunos!!! And made by Chef Bexico too!!

Then it was an iChat con mis padres. They are well and have sent us a new batch of fotos.

This is my favorite.

Waving to their followers after a royal wedding?

After I was done with the iChat, Bexico dialed them up, as she has not chatted with them (only email) since the news broke.

Then it was off to Papalopan for our rib eye. It isn’t really a counter, more a glass window with a slot below, but you step up and tell the butcher what you want. They then tray and wrap it, give ot to a guy with a scale where he puts the price on it and then it is off to the caja, cashier.

Un rib eye (they don’t translate “rib eye”) siescientos gramos por favor.

Cost was $55 pesos and I can tell you…it was delicious!! Not as much marbling as I would have liked, but we gave it a marinade and the true test was passed when Bexico loved it.

Left the steak with Bexico and I was off the the gym.


Dos hermanos.

They were waiting to cross a very busy calle (lots of taxis). They were holding hands and were about to bolt when the joven lost his flip flop. They made it safe and sound.

Two more brothers.

Huatulco 2007….not holding hands.

Funny how certain “groups” of peeps show up to sell items. Often it is the wood hombres (tables, chairs and bed frames). Today?

The hombres with shoes in huevo cartons.

Just a young man with his trumpet.

Just 4 soldiers in a government truck.

With machine guns. I took this foto while acting like a tourist!!

A new business has come to town.

BONICE is here!!! In a very small store front, they have freezers full of popsicle looking treats. They sell them there, but their main goal is to hire peeps to walk around and sell the treats via cooler bags, similar to a baseball or maybe a hockey game. $1000 pesos a week is not bad $$.

Late start at the gym and the place was busy so I went upstairs for the bici and mi cardio. I am going to take a thermometer one of these days…it must be 40 plus. Phew.

The heat drained my energy so it was time to go. Headed home and stopped at a beer store. Big poster advertising the beer costs so I asked for a carton of Negra Modelo. No tengo…don’t have. Pacifico? No tengo. Por que I ask. They just don’t sell many.

I was determined to try and buy beer from one of these case lot tiendas, because they are supposed to be cheaper then Che and they also charge and return a $5 peso deposit on the bottles. Yes…we put our glass, tin and plasticos in the Condo Pacifico recycling bins…but we are not sure where they go. So…I feel better knowing my bottles are going back to Modelo.

I went to the official “Modelorama” and asked a 12 year old girl behind the counter, if I could mix and match a carton of 24. She said sí and then her madre came out and asked what  wanted. Not a friendly gal until I told her it was mi primero vez…my first time.

From the coolers, she loaded me up with 6 Negra Modelo, 6 Pacifico and a dozen cerveza obscura…Leon. Total? $195 pesos plus $120 for the deposit. That works out to be about 69 cents Cdn per cerveza!! And it was about $40 pesos savings vs Che. Twenty four beers will last me a month.

After paying the ladies, I threw the box on my shoulder and did the 5 minute walk to the condos. Silverio at the gate was excited to see me bring home some cerveza!!! Ja ja ja

Then it was alberca time.

Here is what our crowded pool looks like.

That is Bexico doing her laps. She was motivated by watching the Marilyn Bell story on TV!! Ja ja ja

I did my float and Bexico did her laps and then we chill-laxed, watching some yellow chested birds splash in the pool and then take off. There are also some birds that look like starlings. They dive bomb and barley skim the water before taking off….a bit (hee x3) more graceful then the other birds.

We also have another type of bird that is making it’s nest in a big tree next to the pool.

Here is a completed nest.

It hangs about 2 feet long.

And in the same tree another bird has been hard at work.

There were quite a few strands of this long grass under the nest in progress.

After pool time we took a walk. A quick one in this humido!! Fresh baguette, hamburger buns para mañana, a SCORE on some big (normal size in Canada) bottles of isla mil dressing and then potatos para de esta noche cena de rib eye!!

Home to cool down (10pm now and 32 degrees + humido) and eat our ensaladas and then la cena.

Despues dinner, Bexico went back to work. She has finished filming, compressing and emailing the second script to Paris and has had several requests to “interview” for other contracts. That often means peeps have seen her work on line, like it, but want her to send in a sample more relevant to their projects.

Some peeps pay for this “interview”, but it can be a lot like auditioning for a part in a movie. Thanks…we will get back to you.

Time for our postre…(dessert) and Bexico has found some Grey’s Anatomy on line and after doing the dishes…I expect her to disappear!! Ja ja ja

Mañana? Clean the condo…yikes. Then it is pancakes o pan frances para desayunos. We hear some thunder from the montañas, so if the weather is good…off to Mojon. If the weather isn’t good…hello NASCAR!!

And of course, hamburgers and the Canucks game at 7pm…after Bexico’s Skype with her madre.

Have a great domingo all!!

Marco y Bexico y conejito

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