domingo, el 8 de mayo de 2011

Domingo has come and gone and a new week is about to be upon us.

Four months until we head back to Van for a “pit-stop” in the Mexican Adventure…but so much to do!! More updates once our local accommodations have been finalized.

Our day…a great day, but not much to report.

Up a bit (hee x 3) later then normal and felt good having a sleep in. Tough to nap when it is so hot…ja ja ja!!

Bexico went and picked up some verdura for Mojon snacks as I made our sandwiches. A quick desayunos and we were off. Enough already…it was HOT!!

Good time to Mojon and no stopping at Copalita, in either direction.

We were at Mojon by 1230’ish and it was a super low tide!! Not many olas and thus, no surfers.

The weather forecast? Cloudy. El tiempo (the weather)??

Super!! We had some cloud cover roll in and out between 3-4pm, but it was a mainly sunny day!!

Mexicoism…el tiempo is “the weather”, while tiempo is “time” as in tiempo para nadar…time to swim.

Set up camp under our palapa and went on a shell search. We have two types that we collect and we normally find 2 or 3 each time we go to the playa.

Since our last visit, there must have been a storm, because look at this haul!!

After our search and some oceano time, Bexico went to work on her sketch book and I chilled in the sun.

I also ended up hanging our sun blind.

I may need to install a few more hooks so I can move it over to the left or right as the sun is in different positions at different times of the year.

Bexico’s work was for the Ottawa project. She is paid hourly to sketch out some animals that might be used on a website. Hopefully the contractor chooses a sketch (or more) and then gets Bexico to animate them.


It is 11pm and did I tell you how good the chocolate chip cookies were that Bexico made? And tonite to finish off the dough, she made chocolate chip cookie brownies!! We must give these away mañana or we will be huge!!

Back to Mojon…and the action series.

Bubba waiting

And then getting swallowed

Riding the olas


Doing a “Hoff” pose…ja ja ja

Too hot to spend too much time in the sun, but we did some more swimming as well as caught a crab.

On the road for 530pm’ish and home for alberca time…solo. The complex is soooo quiet!! Nice!!

Bexico had a video chat con sus padres (with her parents) and then we had our pollo quesadillas para la cena.

Bexico went back to work sketching with the dvd JFK playing in the background. Long peliculas…we turned it off to get ready for bed. Pre-sleep showers are now a must due to the heat.

The “chill room” is great..not looking forward to the next electric bill!! Lol

Mañana? Bexico has lots of work to do and I will assist by going to the gym and saying hola to the boys…while giving away her baked goods!! Ja ja ja

We will probably make our Dec accommodations choice tomorrow and that will set the ball rolling on another list of to-dos. One thing I do need to do soon is head to Juanita’s café and swap some paperbacks.

Hope your Mom’s Day was fun…thank you to everyone who sent Bexico wishes!!

Have a great lunes.

Marco y Bexico

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