lunes el 30 de mayo de 2011


Internet is back...I am posting this at 930am on martes.

Buenos noches!! Lunes here in Huatulco.

How was your day? We had a great day.

Bexico has been given a script from the Ottawa dude and will story board it and send it back for approval. Once this happens, she will have another animation project to complete!!

Me? Same as and enjoyed every minute of it. During my walk to and from el gimnasio, I saw lots of peeps and said hola to all of them.

There was Marcelino at the gate, the pool guy…gotta get his name, Daniel from Fonatur, Elder from the llanteria, Galdino from the gym…who gave me a ride to his gym, Rosa, Anna and Fermin at the gym, Roberto, from next to Gabriel’s, was shopping at the ferreteria (hardware tienda), Belen and dos amigas were at her tienda and then there was Daniel at Gabriel’s.

I sure felt like the King of Kensington today.

Friggin hot today and Fermin made note of it. He said the month (mes) of mayo is the worst…here’s hoping!! Glad I bring dos 1.5 litro bottles of 1/2 agua and ½ hielo as the fridge in the gym was descompuesto today.

As dos hombres were working on the fridge, I was sharing my restaurante refrigeration stories…cleaning filters, evaporator coils, condensers etc as well as explaining a refrig guy in Canada probably charges $100/hr. Rosa was floored by that.

As I was describing the preventative maintenance for fridge, one of the hombres looked over and gave me the nod that meant I knew what I was talking about…all in español mind you!!

For the amount of heat…a great workout.

Fotos from the day.

The Gato Negro experience.

Look who has an amigo.

They were hanging together until I showed up and then gato blanco went to hide.

Once he saw gato negro flirting with me…

He came out and became quite fotogenic.

Later in the day I came upon sleeping gato negro.

Who promptly woke up.

And then asked for leche.

She followed me upstairs and as we were about to pour her some milk, we found one of our containers had gone sour. Yech. That has happened more and more…probably due to the heat. We cracked open a new container and gave our amiga her milk.

Back to the day…

I was dropping off our recycling when I came upon this carton.

Someone else was at Che over the weekend!!

This is the door to Oscar’s oficina….oficina de Oscar (oh-scar).

Oscar is kinda in charge of the complex…but reports to the HOA (strata in Canada). We have a great President and a whip cracker of a vice-President. She has been ok with us but has been hard on the security hombres.

Look at the bottom right of the foto. What do you see?

Yup…one big iguana trap.

The bag hombre is back. But does he really ever leave?

I wonder what the two hombres were talking about? Nice bags Bob?

Dona Lupitas is a sit down restaurante kitty corner to the parque. It is always busy…we will try it out soon. Today they were getting some new signage painted on their building.

Not sure why I took this foto. I liked the colors and the two hard working people.

And the madera (wood) hombres (carpinteros) are back.

This is una madre y su hija.

Not sure what they have in the containers, but they were walking door to door, person to person, seeing if anyone wanted to buy what they were selling. A tough gig for mom and daughter.

And right around here…my camera battery died!! Ja ja ja

So I went home and charged it up. While waiting, out came the vacuum and mop and Bexico and I cleaned the condo.

Despues de limpiar (cleaning) and recharge of mi pila de camera (camera battery), I went back to the parque (5 minute walk) to take these last fotos.

Muebles suddenly appearing out of no where?

This reminds me of the old scam of guys driving around mall parking lots in vans, trying to sell “extra” stereo speakers. But these sofas and love seats were legit.

The Fonatur hombres hard at work.

The lawns grow so fast here.

BONICE foto de hoy (today).

And last but not least…

Notice anything wrong with the exhaust stack?

Might get a bit (hee x3) smokey in there?

910pm…just finished a nice iChat with mi hermana and her famiia (sin hijo…where was Sullivan?) and then one with mis padres as well. Good ol’internet…keeping us all in touch!!

And at 915pm…the internet is now down!! Ja ja ja

After taking my second batch of fotos, I stopped in to say hola to Daniel at Gabriel’s. Sergio might be back to work mañana and other then that, not much new at the store.

Bexico and I both agree that Daniel is one of our good amigos here. He can speak very fluent ingles, but is soooo patient with us as we work on our español and tries to keep the conversation in español as much as possible.

After the second walk, came home for alberca time and then it was ensalada time.

La cena was our segundo hamburguesa and then Bexico went to do some work as I surfed the net, had the iChats

Mañana? We are confirmed that the washer/dryer will fit…so we are off to Elektra to buy it as well as the fridge y mattress.

Mojon? Thought about it for mañana as the waves are supposed to be 6’s…pretty big!! But we have some things to do around here and will go miercoles instead. Of course ensuring we are Pucks by 7pm for the game!! Did I tell you mi hermano has tickets (gratis) for 2 of the games? Nice score mi hermano!!

That is our lunes…looks like we will be posting this mañana…when the internet comes back on line.


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