lunes, el 9 de mayo de 2011 UPDATED

Well Team Canucks…how was that for a series? Phew…8 more games to win!!

Hola all and hola to mi amigo who was actually at the game in Nashville…sat with Carrie (Mrs. Fisher) I am told? Ja ja ja

It is 220pm on martes and I am waaaay behind in updating you all on our lunes.

I will keep it brief and load you up with fotos.

Gym, walk, hola boys, made some prints of the taekwondo fight and gave them to Moises y Samuel, pool time, walk with mi novia,met with Roman regarding possible work needed on another condo, found a shaker of red chili flakes…bought it, watched the game…went to sleep happy.


I am not sure what this hombre is doing. I saw him on his bici with the goods on the back.

And then several hours later I saw him again. Is he delivering laundry? Selling goods?

This is a local policeman.

They wear these outfits all day…can you say HOT?

What to do if a mango tree is growing outside your business?

Tape some sticks together and get’er done. Lunch!!

A sticker on the back of a turismo bus.

A leftover float.

I wonder if Jaqueline won?

Has my hair cut (or lack of one), started a trend?

Hello lil'Bubba!!

Must be 1pm.

Daniel taking his lunch. All the Fonatur guys break at 1pm.

Today is 10 de mayo…dia de las madres (Mother's day)!! Ayer, the shops were busy.

This is Lalo’s padre…padre de Lalo.

Not sure where Lalo acquired his fashion sense!! Ja ja ja

They are setting up many libro (book) stalls in the zocalo.

And due to the lack of business, Gabriel the Owl will have only one tienda now.

They shut the otra store down.

Just a nína on a bici with her padre.

We are thinking about bringing down a satellite dish when we return in December.

Not sure this one will fit in the truck though.

Hard working hombre.

He was selling a table. We also saw a camioneta driving around, with it’s driver selling mattresses and a full sofa and couch. We did not buy anything!! Lol

And in the “mall”, we saw this níno.

He was watching a movie on a flat screen TV. We were in the mall to see if there were any good peliculas para miercoles, but there are not...oh well.

We went into a store called Sam Citio and it is full of stuff bought at Sam’s Club…probably in Acapulco. This is where we found the spice shaker. The place is probably 15 feet x 20 feet…not a big Sam’s Club!!

Update on Bexico's for the chocolate chip cookies, we finished the first batch and Bexico made the executive decision to finish the batter by turning them into brownies. Hello!! They were so good we had to give them away or become huge ourselves!! Muy rico is the saying. Rich!!

So ayer, I gave one to Rosa, one to Daniel at the store and one to Marcelino at the gate. He gobbled his up pretty fast!! Hoy (today), one went to Memo and one to Daniel from Fonatur. Sugar fixes for all!!

You are all up to date. Off to do some shopping and will update today’s blog posting later!!


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