Viernes Diciembre 3, 2010

Foto Friday!!

Lots of photos to come…keep reading!!

A fun filled Viernes and we met another Mojon neighbor…at our alberca. More on that later.

As per usual for Lunes thru Viernes, we had to see if Ben and Felicity would stay as a couple. Audrey didn’t die and now she is hitting on Ben. Oh Ben…

Had a nice walk to the gym and some bueno escolar with Rosa. I left her with some Ingles sentences, as I want to buy her hijo a present for Navidad. Instead of answering the questions, she re-wrote them in Espanol!! Lol After asking her in Espanol, she confirmed her is like every other 13 year old Mexican boy. He likes football-soccer (soccer to us) and X Box!!

I think I will get him a soccer ball or maybe a jersey.

This is what we bought Logan, Ghimbeli’s hijo.

We talked about Rosa’s dance class. She is learning chacha and salsa, three times a week for $150 pesos/mes. The class has 20 juveniles and 7 adults. The sentence I learned today was “ahora es ni dia de suerte”…today is my lucky day!!

Two of Rosa’s amigos had dropped by and left her a platano y los cacahuates (a banana and some peanuts) she felt it was her lucky day. I felt it was my lucky day as Finito/Francisco was at the gym and he made sure to say Hola to me, as well as wave and yell “hasta” to me when he left. A truly sympatico hombre.

Before I left the gym, I showed Rosa that all 5 of the bicicletas has something broken on them, but if you take parts from the worst two, you can completely fix the other 3. We will see if that sets the wheels in motion…could be manana (tomorrow or next year…lol).

Here are some photos from my walk home.

The construccion store.

The lumber store.

The brick making yard.

This is Daniel.

You might recognize him from a past blog entry as he had seen me taking some photos at the parque and when I asked if I could take his photo, he asked me to come back next Monday. Well that was a few weeks ago, even though we have said Hola several times. Today I had my camera out and he asked me to take his photo. He speaks zero…nada…Ingles, which makes him a great Mexican to practice with.

He asked me to bring him a photo and asked how much it would be. I asked if he had electronic correo (email) and he said no. I told him the photo would be gratis and asked if it was for his madre. He showed no expression so I asked if it was for his novia…girlfriend, and he laughed.

He asked when I would return and I told him Martes o Miercoles of next week and he told me that he is in charge of a certain area of streets and I could find him there. We will print the photo and I look forward to presenting it to him.

This photo is from the “what are they selling in the parque today” series.

All hand made and it looked like it was geared towards Navidad.

Bexico thinks I may have gone a bit flamboyant with my nuevo Mexico ropa (clothes) y style. Thoughts?

Walked through La Crucecita (long way home) and saw these.

I think Bexico might be buying me a pair of these zapato blanco for Navidad!!

But I hope she gets me something from this store instead!!

Maybe a nice playera or the cammo suit bag? lol

This is the name of a carneceria that I am told is top notch.

They serve USDA beef and you walk in and talk to the butchers who are in a refrigerated room (rare to see that), wearing masks etc, and then you ask for the cut of meat you want. And it must be good because the secret is in the meat!!

These two photos are from the set up of tonite’s parade.

The hombre on the left approached me as I was taking a photo and asked my name and then told me to return at 6pm when there would be many people. He was quite interested in talking with me and we had a nice chat in Espanol.

We received conflicting stories about why there was a parade. One story was that it was people from the mountains having a celebration/festival. The other story was it was a graduation for mentally challenged children. Another story was that it is all part of the Virgin Guadalupe festival that culminates Dec 12. Will tell you what we experienced later in the blog.

Had a pow wow with the boys and had a few chuckles. Business is still down for them, but they try to remain positive. They work every day from September to May, including Navidad y Nuevo Ano. Yikes. Lalo says he gets no salary, just the commission off the jewelry he sells.

Our condo is 5 minutes from Gabriel’s y the zocolo, and here is a photo from one of the veggie stores on veggie row.

Fresh fruit, veggies y arbol de Navidad (Christmas tree).

The hombres in charge of the condo grounds spent the whole day taking care of the tree stump from yesterdays tree clearing. Here is what we are left with.

After coming home, it was alberca time. As we were floating around, we saw some faces (gringos) we did not recognize. All of a sudden one of the hombres asks me “are you Mark Van?” Yikes. Well it turns out he is Jay, the guy we bought our property at Mojon from. Jay knows BJ (follower #16 as we like to call him) and I guess BJ had emailed Jay and told him to keep his eyes open for the two of us. Smaller world then yesterday.

Jay owns a condo here at Condo Pacifico as well as a lot at Mojon, on the hill. We had a great chat and we seem to know many of the same people here in Huatulco, including our landlords. Lol Jay and his novia Krista are here until mid-December and I am sure we will see each other here, maybe in town for a cerveza, or at Mojon as they told us they surf there regularly.

Chowed down on some ensalada y gorilla queso sandwich before we went out to Parque Central. We were told the parade started at 6pm and we had heard some firecrackers etc go off and did not want to miss anything.

Well…it started at 6pm Mexico tiempo (time)…more like 7pm and it was not really a parade. There were 4 of those puppet type characters, a school band, and a few mujer y ninas dressed up in tradicional ropa. The band played for a while, then they all got on the road and started marching around La Crucecita.

We caught up with them outside Gabriel’s, where we had gone to talk to Lalo about what we saw at the parade.

Here are the photos from tonite.

Bexico rubbing a Buddha for good luck?

Not sure what Bexico is showing Lalo…it is much bigger.

Here are some festive lights (also known as a Nativity outside the church. The boys at Gabriels are quite religious and Daniel is often found reading his Bible. No preaching to us, but we can see they believe greatly in their faith.

The people waiting for the parade (?) all congregate in Parque Central. And then this guy came around.

He is the fumigator for mosquitos. No mask, no warning and no one seems concerned.

Here are two traffic cops hard at work.

We later saw them truly hard at work hauling away a young hombre for driving his car the wrong way up calle Carrizal, which is a one way calle.

These next two might be a bit (hee x3) fuzzy as it was getting dark out and people just wouldn’t stand still!!

Photos not so good...the band was quite good.

Here are some photos of tradicional ropa. The nina was quite cute.

Here is the “puppet” with the operator seen in the bottom.

As mentioned, we met up with Lalo and the boys and then we went home for la cena. Before we got home, Bexico stopped here for some more Navidad ornaments. This is now her favorite store…kind of like a dollar store. Our arbol de Navidad is not 100% yet, so no photo…lo siento.

La cena was pechuga pollo con papas!!

Phew…long blog but we hope you all get a sense of Huatulco via the photos.

Manana? Not sure if it is off to Mojon on Sabado o Domingo. But until then…

Hasta luego

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