Miercoles Diciembre 15, 2010

Media semana…mid week here in Huátulco!!

And for the first time in a long time, we have skipped alberca time...for two reasons. One, it is 230pm and it has become mainly cloudy. Two, mucha persona, including a smoker and some loud ninos. But we expected that would happen sometime and it has. We will just need to hit Palapa de Dos Conejos y Bono more often!!

There is a condo owners meeting next week and I am hoping they bring up the fumar issue. I strongly feel the pool should be a no-smoking area.

I just realized that I did not tell you why we need to go to Telmex. I received a phone call ayer and it was Telmex telling me we owed some $$. Now they didn’t speak ANY Ingles and when I told them I spoke only a little Espanol, they just kept talking in Espanol. Lol But using the word dinero got their attencion and we will truck down there, hoy o manana. Not sure how we pay when we have received no bill…and our phone number was not even in their system!! Welcome to Mexico!!

Went to the gym this morning. Pretty non-eventful, but I did get a wave and smile from Daniel!! I did learn that Rosa’s hijo, Juan Manuel, is feeling better…but still has either gripe or gripa. Gripe is the flu, and according to Rosa's dictionary, gripa is the Mexican flu.

Quiet walk home, said hi to the boys and picked up some fresh pan to go with tonite’s cena, chili con carne. Stopped at the cinema to check movie times…Buried is at 940pm…too late!! But Machete is on at 420pm…lol.

So this afternoon is about getting the documents Lanny needs, surfing the web and maybe walking to Telmex.

Here are the links to two videos. The first one is the original, from the 70’s and the second is the spoof, of which I saw on line ayer. Funny stuff!!

2010 Little Drummer Boy

This afternoon we DID walk to Telmex, and Christina was a tad stressed out. Only three staff on, much to do and short staffed according to her. Anyway...we had a great chat in Espanol regarding the missing bill.

First off, they have a terminal where you can type in your phone number to get a statement. We were past due (Dec 8 cut off...thus the phone call) on $1300 pesos.

Christina could not tell us why we did not get a aviso recibo (bill) but checked the computer...we are in...and told us to check in at the Correo (post office). She also showed us that the bill is correct, starting not from the first installation visit, but from the actual start of service, two weeks later.

We asked for a copy of the bill as R&H will take care of the $700 peso installacion charge, but she cannot create a copy. She told us to go on line...lol. So we did!! We logged in, set up an account and then were sent this email:


Hemos recibido tu información para el registro a Mi Telmex, tus datos de acceso son:

Teléfono: 958583xxxx 

Contraseña: xxxxxxx

Es necesario que actives tu registro con alguna de las siguientes opciones:

• Para disfrutar de todos los beneficios Mi Telmex

1. Llama al 01 800 123 6060 desde el número de teléfono que registraste.
2. Selecciona la opción 1 y cuelga.

    Es muy fácil y rápido (30 segundos)

• Únicamente para pagar tu Recibo Telmex y contratar paquetes Telmex da clic en esta liga Activar


Equipo telmex.com

As they stated..."es muy facil y rapido"...it is very easy and fast and yes it was. We were activated and managed to find the missing recibo and print off a copy. Fun times!!

We also stopped at the Correo where Bexico took the lead and we might have this missing recibo brought to the condo in the next 3-5 dias.

Walked through town on the way back and stopped in the zocalo at a temporary paletta stand. Grande paletta con limon!! Bexico bought two, but feels she will stick with her regular spot and gal, as she feels they are a better dealio.

Prior to getting home, we also stopped off at an otra dulceria (candy store). Lots of chocolate M&Ms...all best before Nov 2010!! We did buy a box of football-soccer cards and gum for Juan Manuel...Rosa's hijo. The team is all Cruz Azul, his equipo favrito, and I hope they make him feel better.

Home early, but already dark by 5pm. Winter has arrived.

La cena was great...the fresh pan completed the meal.

Just chilling now.

Manana? Gym and get the documents copied and off to Lanny as we drive by on the way to Mojon!! Bexico will be up early for yoga and continues to apply for on line jobs, as well as spends time in dialogue with potential clients that have already expressed interest in her work.

Rare to have a day with no photos...lo siento!!

Hasta luego.

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