Jueves Diciembre 23, 2010

Dos dias mas until Navidad!!

Today was not a busy day, but a full one.

Primero…some BIG news!! I feel bad for not mentioning it ayer, but Bexico is now one full year no fumar…non smoking!! Yipee for her…and us!!

Bexico was up early for yoga and I was up not so early to conduct a little condo clean up, and then it was off to the gym.

Just outside our gates, I saw this fellow looking down at the action on calle Carrizal.

And then I saw this youngster who moments before had been hanging on for dear life.

and hoy I did see Daniel. I guess he did not work on Lunes and I just did not see him the past 2 dias.

Here is my photo shoot of Daniel. The first two are from my walk to the gimnasio, and the other two are from my walk home. Daniel, and many Mexicans, exhibits a HUGE smile when we talk, but then becomes serious once the camera comes out. Rosa says maybe they are timido?

In the last two photos you can see the empty bottle of Coca normal that I gave him today.

Had a low energy session at the gimnasio, but had a nice chat with Rosa. She is excited to have 3 days off and she also receives a visit from her hija (daughter) on Domingo.

Rosa also mentioned that her hijo, Juan Manuel, really liked his sombrero and had already shown it off to his amigos.

On the way home, I stopped in at two grocery stores that I had not been into before. The first one was really a corner store, but it carried several items we have not seen at Che. Pasta sauce…without mushrooms!! Sponges for cleaning the counter!! And some much lower prices on some items we do buy…granola etc. How exciting!!

And next door at a bare bones type of store…real leche!! Phew…as Che was out and we were almost out. Almost no latte de Navidad por Bexico!!

Here are some photos from the rest of my walk home.
Servicio Telephono Econimico.

They have cheap rates for both local, Nacional and Internacional calls.

Sidewalk sale.

Mi llanta repair hombre.

We say hola everyday as I walk by on the way to the gimnasio….and will soon find out his name!! lol

After I came home…it was alberca time. No ninos at the pool!!! But a few smokers still. Oh well. A few weeks and most will be gone.

We have started a nice habit of a daily walk around La Crucecita and today was no different.

First we stopped at the Correo to see if we had any mail on the “list”. Nothing today, but here is a picture of the mail delivery vehicle. Note the colors…they have uniforms in the same tones. Nice!!

And from inside the correo…

Some things are the same in every country!!

We hit the plasticos store looking for some misc items and then the next stop was for a quick look at these fellows in the “mall”.

We then decided to have a stop for bebidas on a patio…a cerveza for me, and a café con leche for mi novia. We stopped at Blue, forgetting that Betto works at a restaurant only a few stores away. He looked sad to see us at a competitor…and I felt bad.

I talked to him and squared it all up. We will visit him manana with Lalo and Daniel to help them celebrate Christmas Eve!!

But while at Blue, we saw the Mayor walking down the street. Lalo reminds me of Al Waxman as the King of Kensington.

For you old folks, here is a link to a clip from the show.

The King of Kensington

For you young folks, here is a wikipedia link.

The King of Kensington wikipedia

Here is the Mayor himself.

Does he not look a little like this famous movie star?

Yup...Ron Jeremy!!

Anyway, we continued our walk around town and after picking up MORE veggies, we came home and had la cena. Esta noche? Cerdo con papas puree.


We have found this surf website and will use it for future forecasts of swells and low/high tide.

Current ratings for local waves is looooow. But as you may recall from previous blogs, it picks up prior to rainy season.

We can use this info manana, as we are headed to La Bocana (or maybe Mojon?) to do what we do. I do have a 3 day weekend from the gimnasio, as they are cerrado.

It seems there is no Espanol translation for Christmas Eve, but we hope everyone enjoys his or hers, where ever you may be, that is if you celebrate Christmas. If not? Enjoy your weekend anyway!!

Hasta luego.

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