Jueves Diciembre 9, 2010

Jueves has come and is almost gone…and I am pooped!!

Had the 10am meeting with Lanny and I am glad we have met him. A very thorough builder and he had lots of answers to my questions.

I really like how he lays out the build schedule, month by month, and also what he will spend month by month, so you know how much you owe. Costs for projects are “costs plus” and he has a set % his company charges, so total costs become very clear. 

Nice to get another expert opinion, especially one that is Canadian. His build costs are very good, could work out to $20-$25 cheaper per square foot, if I went with him. Plans and engineering are about same, as is a pool cost and having them in charge of the Environmental study. That is good to hear because that means the other quotes have been fairly honest.

Was concerned about Lanny’s comments regarding Federal Zone…but will need to follow up. It is impossible to have beachfront property that does not fall in the FZ…unless the beach is VERY wide from high tide to where the property would start.

I am bringing him all our Mojon paperwork and he will have his lawyers and design guys look at it so he can better understand what would need to occur to move forward. I really like components of their designs, so I hope this all works out. Stay tuned.

The 15 minute meeting turned into 1 hour so gym was cancelled. We had to meet Jay and Krista at Mojon so we boogied out of the condo and hit the road.

Wow do we both love Mojon, our palapa, the surfing and boogie boarding and just walking the playa collecting shells!! We are so chilled down there and eagerly look forward to the day when it is home.

Here are some photos from the day.

Bexico on her new board…paddling and paddling before she tries to catch the wave.

Bexico “popping” up from prone to crouching position.


She is up!!

Maintaining balance.

Riding the wave

The ride is about to be over.

And here is Bexico re-living the kiiler wave with Jay and Krista!!

I would like to say this is a rare and exotic bird like an eagle.

But it is really a buzzard.

After the surfing was over, we climbed the headlands and went to the playa next to ours. Deserted…until an hombre came out of the jungle with his machete and rifle. Hmmm. Fresh water lagoon and stream, so after a surf/swim in the ocean, nice to rinse off there. Still plan on building a shower next to our palapa!!

At the playa next door, Majahual, we saw animal tracks that Jay says are from an anteater. Here is an internet photo of the Mexican anteater. Hope to see one soon!!

After the hike Bexico and I chilled at the palapa before heading home. Jay popped by prior to us leaving and even though I think he is happy with his lot on the hill, I also think he really likes the lot he sold us.

Came home and had a quick dip, ate la cena and here we are.

Manana? No big plans…tranquile day!!

Misc…paid the electric bill and YIKES. $2000 pesos for 2 months and we hardly ever use the a/c. Mexico has at least 4 rates, from basic to high peak and we were probably doing things like wash and dry at the wrong time of day. We will re-evaluate how we do things and see if we can reduce the next bill.

Peeps…hope all is well out there. Snow headed to the TO region this weekend. Looks like….rain in Van over the weekend…dumping on “locals” yet?

Hasta luego!!

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