Lunes Diciembre 6, 2010 #2

Buenos noches!! What a great day…busy!!

But before that, a quick update on anoche…last night. Bexico managed to get her Skype in but not at Blue (not working), or our regular internet “café” (full). We went to our back up spot and she managed to chat up her madre, hermana y niece.

After that we had a quick walk through the zocolo and heard another school band play its tunes. We also managed to be the last customers at the pharmacy!! They were closing shop but we knew they had M&Ms for sale…phew…Bexico made it in time!!

We came home and chilled after that and now we are into Lunes activities.

Our day started by driving through the area I walk to get to the gym. It did not take long, and we found Daniel.

We said hola and bumped nickels, and then I gave him two copies of the photo. He asked cuanto cuesta and I said gratis (free) and he said gracias.

I said adios and went to the truck. As we drove by him, I stopped and said “por su novia” (for your girlfriend) and he gave us this HUGE smile. Those 2 photos were possibly the best 8 pesos I have ever spent!!

We hit Ruta 200 for Puerto and coming towards us from the other direction, we passed several groups of Indigenous looking Mexicans running with torches. Probably something to do with Guadalupe, and here are two links with some Guadalupe info for you all.

Here are the photos from the trip to Puerto.

One of the runners.

Here she is reaching into her ropa for more wood shavings to keep her torch lit.

We saw at least 6 different groups with torches and all of them had 3 support vehicles. Here is what one of them looked like.

Puerto is only 100 km away, but it is two hours due to the highway. Here are some pelicans (?) we saw on the way.

We did our homework and it proved to be correct…the roadblock from our last trip was gone…and the little barra was now deserted.

We got to Ody’s Surfshop and here are a few photos.

His card.

This is the front entrance of his shop.

Here is the inside of his upstairs workshop.

Some templates he uses for the fins.

Some fins he sells. He also makes his own.

Color pallets for the boards.

Ody at work.

Ody and his cousin working on another board.

Finished boards…very colorful!!

Bexico and the board she chose.

It is a 7’2” hand made fun board and she also picked up the leash, the fins and a travel bag. Wax was free!!

We had to come back to pick up the board as the fins were still being made, so we went into Puerto. Our search was for a bigger Che where we could find some of the items out of stock at ours, and we were looking for a store on 3A Poniente S/N that supposedly sold the Koblenz bolsa aspirador (vacuum bags) we so desperately need.

We passed these very roja sandia on the way into town.

Found the Che and there are actually quite a few contruccion stores in Puerto as well. It must be a much larger town then La Crucecita. We also saw quite a few Gringos, even though it is low season for surfing, what Puerto is known for. High season for surfing here is the rainy season, May thru October.

The Che was mostly a disappointment as it was larger, but just stocked with more of the same items that were not sold out in Huatulco. Not a single jar of peanut butter in the place. BUT….we did find cheddar cheese…the first we have found during this adventure!! We also bought a Cruz Azul cap for Juan Manuel, Rosa’s hijo.

I hope he likes it!!

We left Che and went looking for the vacuum store. We found a 3A and then a 3A Poniente, but no store. We were about to look again when we saw a Bodega!! It is like the one we went to at Salina Cruz, owned by Wal Mart, and carries a few more items then a Che.

Had to drive through some small side streets, but we got to the Bodega. It too seemed low on stock, and is even lower now as Miss Bexico bought all 14 bags of M&Ms!! Lol

Went back to Ody’s but he needed another viente minutos (20 minutes), so we drove to the playa, which was at the bottom of his street.

Here are some photos from that stop.

Miss Bexico thinking about her new board.

Miss Bexico now dreaming about catching waves on her new board.

Puerto centro from the playa. Click on image for bigger picture.

Some palm trees. Trees this big can be bought for several thousand dollars….each!!

Some lower end accommodations.

This town has all levels of accommodations for surfers, from hammocks to 5 star. Here is something a bit (hee x 3) higher level.

Good to see the big guy is still in business.

We picked up the board and then went to the surf part of Puerto to eat some comida…lunch. We have been to the same café 3 or 4 times and the food is always pretty good, and the service ALWAYS lacking. Lol

No postere for us today…they have their own bakery…soooo good!! For $56 pesos I had 4 eggs, 3 pancakes, 3 tocino and some papas!! It is the surfer breakfast and I am sure this place, right on the main strip and 100 feet from the oceano, is packed for breakfast during high season.

We did a quick stroll but it was mucho calor, so we decided to head home. On the way in we had seen the torch runners, but also over 100 bikers all with a framed picture of The Virgin of Guadalupe strapped to their backs. The previous links address the bikers…headed to Mexico City.

Here are some photos of the bikers.

These people came out of their houses and gathered…

…because they saw these bikers in the distance and wanted to greet them.

This is what the group looked like as it approached.

As they rode by I took photos and gave the peace sign. Here it was returned by several of them.

And here is Bexico at home, with her new tablas de surf, both the front and back, Nice tablas!

Once we got home, we felt dusty and hot, so we had a few laps in the alberca. We also bumped into Jay and Krista and shared the tablas de surf news, as they are big surfers. They often go to Mojon and we will join them soon. Great for Bexico as she can get some pointers while trying out the new tablas!!

We had an invite to Rick and Heidi’s for la cena on Miercoles and they had asked me to invite Jay as well, as they seem to know Jay from the past. So we will all meet at 515pm on Miercoles and make our way to Arrocito.

Heated up the pasta sauce con chorizo, pollo, cebollo y piementa roja and that was dinner. It was great…but we were still quite full from our comida.

9pm and Patriots are kicking the Jets butt. Glad the internet is working and happy por mi novia that she can pursue her love of surfing!!

Manana? Work off this pasta and hotcakes!!

Hasta luego!!

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