Sabado Diciembre 4, 2010


Sabado has come and gone. It was a tranquile day here in Huatulco…but don’t worry, there are 16 photos in this update.

It was Pan Frances Sabado so I could work a few of those calories off at the gym.

Had a good walk and a good session. Here is a link to a clip of a Mexican movie Rosa put me onto. Its title is Cansada de Besar Sapos…Tired of Kissing Frogs.

Looks hilarious and we will see if we can find it here in town. They have plenty of places that sell bootleg DVDs, and Bexico recently found a DVD rental shop!!

I did ask Rosa una pregunta…what is su hijo equipo de futball favorito? What is her son’s favorite soccer team? I am trying to get him a soccer ball or jersey. She told me his primero team is Cruz Azul…a concrete company and perpetual losers (if my translation is correct). I asked his segundo favortio team (2nd) and Rosa said it was Cruz Azul or nothing!! She was dismayed that a jersey was $900 pesos…not sure if that will fit in my budget…update later.

Stopped in at a grocery store looking for M&Ms por mi novia….no luck!! We will have to look around Puerto on Lunes!!

I came home and we headed to Mojon. Great to have the fan in the truck repaired!! We could actually hear ourselves speak and it wasn’t below freezing!!

Picked up the boogie board at La Bocana and ran into Jay and Krista. This small town is even smaller now a days!!

Sailed through Copalita and had a fun couple of hours on our playa, in the oceano and at our palapa. Quite a few small jellyfish on the playa…we had not seen that before. It was also high tide so not as many shells as we would have normally found. We must remember the hormiga spray next time as we have quite a few that seem to love the shade of the palapa…argh.

Quick search at Copalita on the way home, and then stopped at Che for eats.  A quick pit stop at the bulk candy store up the calle…no luck…they too were out of M&Ms. Bexico is down to her last bag…trouble!!

We thought the day was over and that the blog would be void of any photos when one block from home we spotted another parade…a real festival. We parked the truck on Carrizal, full of groceries, and made a dart for the parade.

Here is what we saw:

Colorful ropa tradicional.

The peeps in the parade were handing out things (I was given a bandana) and throwing candies at and into the crowd. In the second photo you can see a young boy in a roja (red) playera, running in bare feet to get something from the senora.

The senoras and the colorful ropa they were wearing.

Then came the floats.

And the very fair skinned Mexican mujer.

And finally the ninos arrived.

And they all rode off into the sunset.

It was a nice parade and we are excited to see what else waits in store between now and Navidad, and then again at Easter. The Mexicans LOVE to have festivals and fiestas!!

After the parade, we came home and had an ensalada mixta…professionally made by Bexico, and then chorizo quesadillas.

Esta noche (tonight)…our Sabado noche fun?  Bill Murray as Steve Zissou in Life Aquatic. Funny flick!!

Ayer, I sent an email to Mike and Alison, the peeps we met in the oficina Migracion. Mike is leaving Alberta on Monday, driving down to Huatulco with a December 21 arrival date. They have very graciously offered to have us over for la cena on Navidad. Sympatico Canadiense!! We are not sure of our plans, but truly appreciate the invite.

Manana? Desayunos of huevos revueltos con tocino y chorizo sausage. NFL Domingo in Espanol. Alberca time. IChat with Goose and end it all with hamburguesa por la cena!!

Lunes is Puerto and Ody is expecting us in the morning.

That’s all folks.

Hasta luego

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