viernes, el 15 de agosto de 2014

Buenos tardes!! Currently 5pm and with the papas frances in the horno, Max next to me catching up on his iPad time and with madre showering, time for a quick update.

Editors note...there are no fotos today. Soriana viernes and there was no pre-shopping tour or prowl...thus no fotos. But we will be back at it mañana.

The día?

We had an awesome noche!! The bed time was 40 minutos with The Niño Whisperer, but all good after that!!

We had the 10pm pee break and then Max slept straight through until 5am. Manos over the rail and then we slept in until 7am. Two days in a row? Do you believe in miracles?

And what kind of things do we hear coming out of Max's boca at 7am?

"I am awake!!"

"It is almost daytime!!"

"I have earlobes!!" (always pulled when he drinks his leche)

"Poppa Poppa!!" (off to the baño)

"You have a rana (frog) in your throat."

Onto the morning...videos, trips back and forth to the baño, desayunos and then onto Soriana. I was thinking we would have 45 minutos of "dancing", but that stopped fairly quickly and we carried a load until we got home. Oh Max!!

Home for a panale pit stop and then we had a familia swim before heading upstairs for leche y libros. And then the wackiness started...doph.

Bex gave it a go and got Max asleep for his siesta, but every time she lay him down on the bed, he woke up and wanted into her arms. After several attempts, it was my turn and I had no luck either.

Max looked at me with the "I am not going to sleep today" look and kind just lay there. Argh. Madre came on for her 2nd go and 15 minutos later the door opened and Max popped out and told me he was not going to sleep today.

Onto some videos for the familia and I headed off to el gimnasio. While I was gone, the familia ate their comida and then jumped on madre's bici and headed off to playa Santa Cruz for some fun.

Bex nursed Max through the afternoon and he looks tired, but is not cranky...phew.

I came home post gym, did a little clean up and then had some tranquilo time before the familia returned.

Max has just navigated his iPad to show me an octopus con ramos, oars. How he found that in the iPad? Niños!!

And now he wants to come cook with off we go.

See you after tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos tardes again.

Currently 705pm and today there is no post-cena tour/prowl. Due to the lack of siesta and the fact that he looks tired, but is acting pretty normal, we have changed the plan and we had some extra Play Doh time and after tina time, Max y Bex will read a few more books then normal.

Max wanted to help cook, but burgers don't really take any "cooking". I asked if he wanted to watch and he said "of course" and then as I reiterated there was no cooking, he looked at me with a smile and said "just a little cooking". The niño LOVES his cooking.

Good dinner even though he said he did not want his meat patty or arroz. But at the end of dinner, and before the yogurt con mora azul, blueberries, arrived, he had finished the food on his plato and a helping of pollo snacks!!

Most nights he says he is done after a few bites, and on most nights he manages to finish everything on his plato without a complaint. A good breakfast and dinner eater...phew.

Tina time is to finish the clean up.

Mañana? Fin de semana and we are off to playa Mojon for hot dogs on the playa!!

Have a great weekend y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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