jueves, el 21 de agosto de 2014

Buenos tardes!! We are snug as 2 bugs...Max taking his siesta and Poppa laying next to him, taking the opportunity to have some more time in the chill room. Score!!

The temperature outside is not too bad, only 28,0 grados (at 1230pm??), but the humido is making it wacky wet. Take a look.

The 22,0 grados is incorrect, but the 83% humido is bang on. What happens if we get to 100% humidity?

Why the wacky weather? We had some torrential down pours from 8am until 930am and then it tapered off and at 10am the rain was pretty much done.

So the lluvia cools it down and then as soon as it stops, the humido picks up quite quickly. Happy to report that the boys managed a prowl between 10 and 11am. Half way, we did need our umbrellas and Max made many peeps smile as he used Poppa's, pretty much invisible under it, and I used Max's paraguas, looking like one of those circus clowns.

An hombre we know took some video...we made $10 pesos!!

The rest of the día? A longer bed time, a 1045pm pee break, only (only?) 2 or 3 wake ups including one at 4am with these words spoken "videos on iPad please Poppa". Ahhhh....no.

Max is good when I tell him it is too early, back to sleep and awake again at 630am. Not too shabby mi chico amigo!!

Videos, tranquilo time and a much interrupted desayunos as Max wanted off his banco so he could run to the window to watch the rain come down. And when the power went off (twice)?? Ooooohhh...exciting times as he ran to the fans and tried to get them to work. The power was out, or down as he called it.

The outages did not last long and we managed to finish our desayunos. After clean up, it was Lego time in the palacio and then we were lucky to have the lluvia stop so we could get out of the casa...hola hola to cabin fever.

A good prowl and then home for leche y libros and with Max being cansado, tired, siesta time wasn't too hard on his madre.

And that has been our día so far.

Due to the lluvia, the Canon did not come out with us on the prowl, but that meant it was time to see what fotos madre had stored on the crappy Sony DSC W730.

Happy to report that after taking 45 minutos to rotate the 290 fotos clockwise or counter clockwise (depends how artistic Bex was feeling at the time of the foto), we have 38 that made the cut. Good work madre!!

This might be a repeat of Max y amigos at playa Santa Cruz.

Oxxo treat con su madre. Oh Madre.

This dude would LOVE living in BC...or Washington State...or Colorado. He is always friendly to Max...and super chilled. I wonder why.

It is an old foto, note the casco.

Madre, why oh why do they all touch me and my casco? Please make them stop!!

They have built a new stage next to the iglesia and Max is testing it out.

And is quickly joined by his amigo, Antonio.

An interesting foto from the front of our edificio, building, as the sun is never at shining like this when Max and I leave at 930am.

Smiling Max loves this hill.

At the far end of playa Chahue, where normally there are not too many peeps.

Someone is not wearing a panale.

Look madre...un tiburón.

I wonder if I could swim to that isla...using mi gafas?

Overcast but mucho calor.

Hey Max, I wonder how you got those bug bites on your feet?

Otra día and at the other end of playa Chahue.

Ok madre, I am ready for my foto to be taken!!

Looks like playa Entrega.

Oyster shooter? Naaaah...helado probably.

Max calls this his "bump" and loves to ride over the tope whenever we are near by it.

Max wants to touch the no estacionarse, no parking, sign, Max touches the sign.

Max walks over the cracks in the sidewalk.

Poppa walks over the cracks in the sidewalk.

Hey sista, I am liking your wheels.

A little tall, but you have a cute smile.

Can I offer you a lift? Oh Coqueto Max!!

The only niño tiene casi 3 años who rides a bici, rides it while wearing a casco, and wears it on the slide!!

Waiting patiently on the rock, hoping to spot the elusive tigre, Max gives a stare down look to the peeps making too much noise.

Having spotted el tigre, Max shares his excitement with su madre.

That's it for fotos and...

Okee dokee...Max was asleep at noon and awake at 1pm...the día continues. I will type a little more before la cena.

Hasta pronto.

Hey...345pm and the internet is out again. As Max would say "something peculiar about that".

So post siesta, Bubba was off to el gimnasio and then home for the usual afternoon rutina...some clean up, do a load of wash, tranquilo time and at 5pm I will start cooking la cena.

After rolling out of bed, Max searched out his madre and the two bakers went into the cocina and made up another batch of oh so yummy panque de plátano.

Then it was time for comida and when I saw them upon arriving home post gym, they were headed out with Max's bici. Off to the jungla parque...a long ride for the lil'man. But maybe oh maybe it will help him fall asleep tonight!!

And as you are all caught up, I will finish this off after tina time.

Hasta pronto.

And then the wheels fell off the bus...doph.

Max y Bex returned from the jungla and their amigos were a no show. I guess they moved the time by 30 minutos and that is too close to our dinner time (Mexican lunch time), so the familia returned home.

Some tranquilo time before dinner and then we had some good eats and Max finished off a huge plato of food.

We then had a FT con Oma y Opa and after clean up time we were getting ready for our bici tour or prowl (Max still had to decide)...when Max decided he would not be calm and would not listen to his Poppa.

Adios post dinner tour/prowl and the tears poured. Too bad...we all enjoy the time and as important as the discipline is, it is by far not my favorite part of parenting.

Max was ok after 10 minutos and then after another 10 minutos watching him do his poo dance...not wanting us to change him and no wanting to sit on the baño (what is up with this?), it was off to tina time.

All good there until it was time to dry off and I hear "Max, calm down" said more then a few times. The niño is wired. Spirited lad shall we say. Who came up with the saying "I'd rather tame a lion then  paint stripes on a cat"? But mix the two DNA samples together and who should be surprised at the result? Ja ja ja

Ok...libros y leche time...expecting mañana to be a smoother day!!

Oh yeah...Bex y Max are having desayunos with some amigos and that means we are changing up the  rutinas. I will take Max to Soriana in the afternoon and then see what adventuras The Boys can get into!!

Misc foto...wonders what a can of spray paint will do to an old Tsuru taxi. They almost matched the colors. Ja ja ja

Have a great viernes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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