miercoles, el 20 de agosto de 2014

Max Van, having a pensive moment while rehydrating with some agua.

Buenos tardes!! And last night...we had rain!! It was even wet this morning and we have not had a wet "day" in months.

Maybe that is why Max could not sleep last night? Up at 10pm for the pee break and then awake at 11pm, midnight, 2am, 4am and for good at 620am. Well...at least he should sleep well tonight!!

Max woke up today and I think he formulated his master plan as one that would include trying to be as resistant as possible. What a niño!!

We had videos and then tranquilo time and when it was time for desayunos, Max was not going to put his toys away. Ok, I will be eating desayunos alone was what I told him.

That made his ears perk up but it was not enough to get the toys into their bins. So I poured my granola into a bowl and sat down on the couch and started eating. That got his attention and he told me he was hambre, hungry.

Good, we have a nice breakfast waiting for you in the cocina, once the toys are away.

"Poppa, you clean them up" was a request met with laughter and then the explanation...your mess, you clean it up. But...Poppa will help.

Toys away, Max proud to show me the clean palacio and then onto desayunos. A good breakfast and then we grabbed the paraguas, just in case, and then headed out on a long prowl. A super long prowl that was around 90 minutos long.

A good walk and we had another lesson in listening when we were at the bus station. Metal chairs, niño with stick, niño decides to use the stick to wail away on the chairs. Ahhhhh...no.

But it took the old "I am going to count to 3" before the stick was in my mano. We talked it up, hugged it out and he was given his stick back.

And 5 minutos later the stick had a 2 calle timeout for hitting all the plants we walked by. But we ended the prowl on a hot and happy note and headed home for leche y libros.

A long prowl and the lil'man was lights out in 15 minutos and slept an hour. Phew.

Post siesta there was some play time for the familia and then they did some cooking and have taken Max's bici out to the campo. It is 405pm and I expect them home soon and their plan is for a dip in the CP alberca before eating la cena ta 530pm.

My afternoon? El gimnasio and then home for some tranquilo time and very little cleaning due to the fact it is miercoles and Griselda was in today. The best $200 pesos we spend.

Funny story (?) before we move onto the fotos?

I was getting ready for el gimnasio and I was taking off my flip flops and putting on my running shoes, when Max grabbed one of my flip flops and put it on the shelf for me. Muy amable.

Before I could say anything, he tells me "say thank you", to which of course I do say thank you.

I ask Max why I have to say thank you, if when we are out and someone does something nice to or for him, he does not say thank you o gracias.

He looks at me, this sly grin comes across his face and he slowly says "that is a little peculiar", to which Bex and I break out laughing.

Ok, onto the fotos!!

So, a cloudy morning but we managed to get out before the humido started, and was it refreshing!!

One of Max's latest poses.

Followed by a "doph..cannot recall if I have a panale on" pose.

And then followed by 3 silly looks on his face.

A smile...I will take one of those please!!

And Silverio got one too. Muy amable miercoles here in Huatulco.

Señor "I must touch everything" Van, hard at work.

This is the look I get when he requests permission.

He loves llantas and rims.

Not sure why, but all these logs have been dumped in the lot where the Policia Municipal park there camionetas.

So we had to explore...hello!!!

How famoso is the lil'man? Taxistas stop to choque El Presidente futuro!!

Actually, that hombre LOVES Max and has learned that the more subtle "hola Max" works better with the lil'man. Whenever he sees Max, he asks for a choque and if he gets it, he says Max is a Mexicano and if he does not get it, he is Canadiense.

445pm...internet is out. I keep typing in the hope that when it returns, all this typing will be saved. Stay tuned.

At this funky arbol, we have a pit stop to touch the pika pika.

A selfie at the tiangus, mercado.

It was hot and Max was already a little tired, so he plopped himself down for some Cheerios y pasas as well as some agua. And then the funny faces appeared again.

And then in the blink of an ojo, he was distracted by a perro walking on the calle.

Internet is back...for now.

Walking by another hardware store and Max wants another foto of himself standing next to a carretilla.

And to his right...cuidado Max!!

I spotted something in this lighting store and asked Max if he could see a sorpresa, surprise.

Hey Max, look up.

Ok, turn around.

A little more.

Look up a little higher.

Not that high.

Ok, lets try again.

To your other right.

A little more.


Note the stick in his hand? He was carrying this for an hour as the umbrella was too heavy and I did not want him to drag it on the ground and through all the dog poop. The stick scared el gato and she was outta there after he patted her once.

Note the stick is now missing.

And Max has now realized this as well.

And we are heading back to the Comex store behind us, where the stick "dropped" by accident. Sure it did. Oh Max.

Sweating it out at the bus station.

All caught up!! The familia is having their swim and Max saw the package of arroz on the counter. "I help you cook arroz" were the exciting words that poured out of his boca, and at 515pm, The Boys will cook up some arroz y cerdo lomo para la cena.

Back at you after tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Hola hola. The sweet sounds of the meditation musica have started...I have 15 more minutos of my own tranquilo time!! Putting Max to bed...getting Max to fall asleep...is not stressful, it is just time consuming. Laying there trying to get him to stop singing, talking, clapping and/or kicking his cuna...just part of the job.

We had a good dinner...Max was tarde coming back from the alberca, his decision to stay later, but that meant he had no cooking to do when he did make it into the condo. He is learning that he has choices, but each one comes with it's own set of consequences.

As I lay on the bed with him, waiting for madre, Max looked deep into my ojos and said "it is tough being a lil'guy". I smiled, agreed and then started to explain how it can be tough to be a parent...and then he changed the subject to my hair cut or something else non-revelant. Oh Max.

Post dinner we had clean up, a short bici ride, tina time and ta da...another day completed....almost.

Hey, here is an example of Bex's work. She created the characters on this advertisement for her sister-in-law's work.

Off to work my magic. Have a great noche y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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