lunes, el 4 de agosto de 2014

Distracted by the commentator for yesterday's Nascar race. I was distracted by the bare bum doing the mop!!

Buenos tardes!! Currently 315pm and the familia is scattered to the four corners of the casa. Bex is upstairs doing some work, I am in the big bedroom with the fan keeping me cool, y Max y Laura are in the living room.

Buen suerte Laura...she is trying very hard to keep Max engaged as well as for him to be speaking en español as she will not talk to him in ingles. He reminds me of myself at an earlier age...tough to stay focused.

There is lots of time a head of him, but it will be something we keep our ojos on as I recall high school being the same way for me. Find the right subjects and the right manner to engage Max, and all will be well.

Laura gave up on the letras y colores and moved onto PlayDoph and that grabbed Max's attention.

Another 15 minutos and she will be to España until the end of septiembre. Doph. Bex will pick up the slack and we continue to look into other ways to keep Max engaged.

One of his amigas is going to a group that meets Monday thru Friday from 9am-noon (I think), but the amiga is only going to go 3x week. With Max awake by 630am every day, I am not sure how we would fit this into his schedule...a siesta is a must. But...he is sleeping from 12-1pm most days. Hmmmm.

I guess the other thing about this group is the need for a uniform. What casi, almost, 3 year old needs to wear a uniform to play and have fun? Stay tuned.

As for our día...a good bed time and then some wackiness at media noche, midnight. Max sat up and I tried to get him back to sleep. He did not want manos or a hand on his back, and then became upset.

Into my arms for a rock and then plopped back into the cuna...ahhhh no.

Onto the bed and onto his padre....ahhhhh no. What the hey? He said he wanted a new panale even though his was dry, so I took his off and put it back on. Ahhhh no.

Finally I get out of him that he wants to go pee...on the baño. Nunca, never, has this happened. Hey, sleep with a panale, go pee in it. Ahhhhh not last night.

So out we go, set up the baño with his seat, he does his biz and we wash hands and go back into the bedroom. A one minute rock, he passes out and is back into his cuna at 1230am. I was asleep by 1231am.

Until 3am that was. Another toss and turn session and as I prayed to the panale gods, Max finally fell asleep after 10 minutos and was awake at 630. Score!!

Tine to change the panale like we always do? Ahhhh no. He wanted to leave it on and lay in his cuna watching videos. Wacky wacky.

Videos, ginchies at 720am and onto tranquilo time. I received the frantic señal, signal, at 8am and off we went for a sit on the baño. Success.

But after a huge desayunos (phew) we had the dance and did not want biz in the Old Navy ginchies, so off for a seat we go. Thirty minutos later...nada, nothing. Oh well. Maybe he feels ok with his #1s and not his #2s?

Parent/child psychologist? Ja ja ja

Packed some spare ginchies and hit the road. Too late for a bici tour and swim, so off to the campo we went where we found some niños playing with some basketballs. We asked if we could use one and 20 minutos later, and mucha agua y sweat tambien, we were done.

Home we went and onto leche y libros, followed by siesta time. And after all the morning excitement, Bubba was pooped and took a full hour siesta with the lil'man...score!!

I was onto el gimnasio and the familia saddled up and took Max's bici out into centro, grabbing some fruta y verdura as well as some molida res at Poopie Loopie.

Home for lunch and Laura time and after a hot session at the gym, I limped home with a sore calf...doph.

All caught up...the familia is headed to the CP alberca and I will clean up the casa and get us set up for Bubba Burrito lunes.

Onto the fotos.

If the computer comes out while Max is in the palacio, he will bee line over, ask what is this or what is that, and then try to touch some keys. A cute niño who still does not fully listen to the words "niño no tocar"...and you get no work completed.

Even if it is found in a carretilla, there is always time to stop and smell the flores.

I have never seen Max get off his bici as fast as he did when I asked him if he wanted to stand on the camión descarga, dump truck.

Onto the cancha and it looks like Max is playing some mean defence!!

Air Van!!

Max is coming to grips with the laws of physics.

Note the bare feet on the cancha, court. We blew a tread and bought some new Crocs on the way home.

Max asked me to get the agua so he could have a drink in his oficina.

On the opposite side of this ledge, is another ledge with a 3 meter fence, no seguro!!

So Max sat here for some poses and when I sat on the other ledge, trying to take the fotos, the lil'man told his Poppa "no Poppa, don't sit there...peligro!".

Almost done at the campo...tough to make dust clouds with a blown tread.

As we got to the tienda where we bought the Crocs, Max parks his bici, kicked off his broken Crocs and wandered into the store. Then, due to all the excitement, we had an accident...doph. I used his playera to clean the piso and then off we went wearing our new Crocs.

A Max Van good hair day!!

Ok..tranquilo time and then off to cook la cena. The nube obscura have moved in again...I wonder if we will get in our post cena bici ride.

I will finish this off esta noche.

Hasta pronto!!

Buenos noches!! No rain this afternoon and as a matter of fact, el sol came back out.

The familia had a good swim and then Max came and helped his Poppa cook la cena. A good dinner and after clean up, the boys went out on a long bici tour. Bex is still a little under the weather and also had some oficina work to catch up on, so she stayed behind.

A good tour and while I was explaining to a señora why Max gave her the evil ojos when she patted him on his casco, telling her 50 peeps a day try to do the same, a señorita walked by and did the same thing.

Max wiped it off and gave her the evil ojos and the señora shook her head, fully understanding and believing what I had just told her!!

Sore bum-itus, so Max walked home and Poppa carried the bici. Onto tina time and in 5 minutos I am due to take over bed time duties...buen suerte.

Hey...lil'man was pooped and was asleep in his cuna by 815pm. Score!! Now if we can only get him to poop...yikes.


Due to the overwhelming request, I present to you THIS video of tonto Max, getting excited about his trip to the water slides. A short clip, enjoy.

Che martes mañana, and we are off to el banco to get a cheque certificado so we can send it to the Embajada de Canada en DF, and hopefully get Max's new pasaporte!!

Soon...time to get going on our last tarjeta de inmigracion!! I finally have it nailed down...and we are moving. Ja ja ja

Have a great martes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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