miercoles, el 6 de agosto de 2014

Oh he still has gripe, but also has enough energy to wheeeeeee through the puddle!! Note...he followed instructions and kept the tenis dry!!

Health update? After a good sleep, madre sounds and looks better...not 100% yet, but better. After a rough start to the noche, being up every 45 minutos, Max finally had a few good stretches of sleep from1230am-230am and then again from 4am-630am!!

Some meds every now and then, following the instructions on the bottles of course, helped the lil'man out and we will keep him off the meds during the day. Some jarabe before siesta time...he is asleep next to me as I type, and some more before bed time and we should see some great improvement mañana. Stay tuned.

As for the morning....heard coming out of the lil'man's boca as he waited somewhat patiently on the baño..."come out, come out". Who gets to laugh hard at 730am? Poppa Bubba!!!

And we had huge success. Get it? Huge success!! Our official first real business on the baño and we celebrated by going to Los Portales para hotcakes!!

But before we did that, we had our video time, tranquilo time and a small desayunos. Max ate all of the fresh fruta we cut as well as a huevo, so hotcakes would fit in perfect.

Off we went and after a quick tour of centro, we ended up at Los Portales where we said hola hola to all of our amigos, ordered our hotcakes con tocino and then pulled out our ingles/español coloring book and reviewed our palabras.

The meseros were amazed at Max's knowledge of palabras, and loved his casco...more on that later.

And just moments after our desayunos arrived, so did madre!! She joined us for some eats and yummy cafe and after we were done, Bex was off and the boys headed to the cancha y campo for some play time.

We found the place deserted so Max rode his bici on the cancha before heading off to the dusty campo...where we ran into madre on her bici. A hola hola in the stinking hot sun and she headed home one way and the boys another.

Home for leche y libros and then a shorter siesta...doph.

I was off for an uninspired workout and then home to say adios to the familia as they headed off to the campo y cancha con Max's new balón.

While I lazed around, they worked up a sweat and then came home for a cool down in the CP alberca. There, Max played nicely with another of his amigas before they came upstairs for dinner. Hola hola to Bubba Meatball miercoles!!

But...Max was not into meatballs..."I am not feeling well" and then he ate some of the home made soup that Bex y Max had made for lunch.

We managed a short post-cena prowl...Max full o'energy and his parents 1/2 asleep. Well, we were 1/2 asleep until we came home and had to clean another pair of ginchies. Oh Max.

Tina time, leche y libros and the musica has started.

Onto the fotos.

At the foto tree for a few shots before the tour.

A close up of the new casco...no touching please!!

The new sign made Max feel secure in the fact that no one would pat him on his head, and he was correct, no one did. We had lots of peeps look and laugh and we even had Max wave at a few peeps who would normally try to pat him on his head...because they read the sign and left him alone!!

Onto Los Portales and we await our hotcakes con tocino!!

Max knows what this says because we have signs like this in our casa...on the stereo and my "oficina".

We left madre an invite to the celebratory desayunos, and ta-da, she arrived. Here her boys kinda pose for a foto.

A perfect time to practice numbers en español. Uno, dos...

And then try to pinch a garrafon that costs you $50 pesos as a deposit...but you can never get the money back. Wacko.

And that mis amigos, was our día.

Have a great jueves y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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