martes el 26 de agosto de 2014

Now that is a first for us...madre y Max on bicis at the same time. Happy to report it all worked out well...and madre was finally able to keep up with Max!! Ja ja ja

Buenos tardes!! The chili is on the estufa, the wash is in the secadora and I have no idea where the familia is!! They were in the alberca at 3pm, but I think they have hit the road for a prowl before 530pm dinner. Stay tuned.

A good day...a bit of a wacky noche again...of course. Max took 30 minutos to fall asleep but then was up again 45 minutos later for a false alert pee break. Doph.

During the noche, lots of tnt and he even did the ol'switcharoo by sleeping with his feet on his pillow for a while. Lots of "manos" requests and the next thing I know, it is 715am. Yahooo...y yikes.

¿Por que yikes? Porque that means wacky siesta time which can lead to wacky bed time. But....

Some videos and then right into desayunos and I have no idea where the time went. We started early and the next thing I know it is already 915am.

So much for getting to INM early. A good breakfast and then after some hola hola with madre, we loaded the bici into the camioneta verde and were off.

Max knows where we are headed and loves the freedom of racing around the Santa Cruz area. It is not open to carros, but there are a few motos coming and going and he is really good about coming to a stop and even telling me "be careful Poppa".

Off to INM and he wheeled right up to the door and the security guard recognized him and Max wheeled right in, got off his bici and waited for me to take off his casco.

A short wait and that was passed by reading a libro we bought. But when it was my turn to talk to the agent, Max used up his time by wheeling a chair all around the oficina.

But they all know him and if that is the worst thing he does, all is good.

INM update? The paperwork was great...if we were still Residente Temporal. But after 3 renewals, you need to decide if you want Permanente or go back to year one of Temporal.

Hmmmm? I asked and the agent said we will not need to renew the Permanente and if we are coming back anyway....

So time to change some paperwork. Some had to be done online and one is a letter requesting a change in our status. New palabras and the agent helped me out with them. I still have to type it out and then get it signed, but it was a big help.

The agent is a bit of a stickler...we have never before needed to mention our tattoos. Hmmmm.

Any who, the paper work is completed and will be printed off and signed esta noche, and the lil'man and I will be back to the INM oficina mañana.

And as we were finishing up at INM, Bex rolled in on her bici. Hola hola madre!!

The decision was for the two of them to bici to Che and I would meet them there after I had dropped off the recycling at Fonatur.

We have never had one of us on the bici while Max was on his, but it went a-ok. He listened well and it was actually easier for Bex to keep her ojos on him.

Bex left us at Che and The Boys did their shopping...hola hola to lots of pollo muslo, and then we headed home for a familia swim.

It was 1220pm when we came up and Max was lights out at 115pm...and eyes open at 145pm...oh oh.

But...the shorter siesta, if we can make it through the afternoon (more on that later), it should bode well for bedtime. Fingers crossed.

I was off to el gimnasio and had NO idea it was already 230pm. Where did that time go? Gym and then home for a hola hola to Max in the pool...with all of his women...3 amigas, Bex and another señora. Oh Max.

Upstairs for some tranquilo time and then clean up and that was my day.

Currently 515pm and the familia have returned from the alberca and I have been informed that Max has lost his post cena bici tour. Argh. Making nasty noises, being rude to an amiga and ignoring his madre 4 times...that would be good reasons to lose a bici tour. Oh Max.

All caught up and almost time to grate the cheddar and cut up the onto the fotos.

Let loose of the silla in the camioneta verde, Max bee lines it to the INM oficina in Santa Cruz.

It is that way Poppa.

But first some laps.

Max knows the way.

Adios to the pigeons. very very quiet. I think I see a puddy tat....or 3 or 4 or 5.

Hee hee hee.

Adios to gatito #1.

Adios to gatito #2.

And #3 and #4 left soon after. There were another 3 or 4 under the boat too.

Madre came to visit with us at INM, and Max catches up on madre's latest iTunes download.

Once the tamarindos y policia estatal are involved, you know it gets expensive.

12 year old shoe shine niño bolting across 3 lanes of traffic.

$10 pesos for a medio kilo...siesta in hamaca included!!

Ok, see you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! The musica is about to start and that means we are close to bed time...buen suerte!!

La cena was good, Max eating another plate full and then after a clean up, The Boys went out for a prowl. Max wanted his bici and when I reminded him that he had lost the bici for the noche, he told me least he knows what he did wrong. Phew...small success.

Home for tina time, leche y libros and I think everyone in the casa is tired tonight.

Mañana...INM, a bici tour and off to playa Mojon after the siesta.

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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