domingo, el 17 de agosto de 2014

This morning we were off to the campo to watch the partido de futbol.

Buenos tardes!! Currently 1pm and I am in the chill room, co-habitating with the lil'man as he has his siesta. We are good for another 25 minutos or so.

We had a good bed time, a little longer then the past few noches, but stress free!! We had the 10pm pee break and then one wake up during the noche and up for good at 630am.

Usual morning rutina for us and that now includes at least 2 or 3 "Poppa Poppa" trips to the baño. Limited success...we move on.

A fun breakfast, hola hola to pan frances domingo!! And then out to gather our limons and buy the rest of our verduras for tonight's pico de gallo.

Max wanted to create some dust clouds, so off to the campo y cancha we went, where the beer drinking futbol players all yelled "hola Max". Of course they did...and of course they were drinking beer before 10am....cheaper then agua.

Pit stop at SCA for tortillas, home for the panale pit stop, and then off to the pool. Madre came home from her bici ride and joined us for a dip and then headed upstairs. Another 15 minutos for the boys and then we too headed upstairs.

With leche in hand, Max needed to be dried off, drops put in his ear and a panale put on and then it would have been book time. Would have been...if he had not jumped on the wall, gotten a time out, and then ignored the process of sitting on his butt for 2 minutos. 

Libro time cancelled and the tears came a flowing. "I love libros" and "I listen now" were the themes...but no libros until tonight. Building block time seemed to change the atmosphere and then madre managed to get all 17 kilos of the lil'man to fall asleep. Tough gig. are caught up. Onto the fotos!!

Pre-tour poses.

Having spotted some peeps, Max cracks a smile.

He really is still a lil'guy.

Poppa being told it is time to go.

And from ayer...a ton of playa Mojon fotos!!

Hot dog comida finished, off to play on the playa.

Happy to have some sand back in front of our lot...where Max wishes he was right now.

Two full rings showing, but lots of sand has returned.

Ok, not so much sand over there.

A little more erosion in front of our lot.

The casa on the headlands is coming along.

Awesome views y viento up there. But...during rainy season they have no clear access and year round, there is no parking up there. And then you need to get water trucked in and pumped up there.

The owner of the local Best Western had this casa built.

And his neighbours are working on protecting their property from the olas.

Having decided that he wants to go swimming, Max drops what he was doing, leaves his madre behind, and bolts to the tranquilo end of the playa.

Oh yes, he was excited about going swimming!!

Max woke up 30 minutos ago and at145pm, the race is on and Max is now cooking up the pollo for tonight's quesadillas.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos tardes!! And how hot was it when Max y madre headed off to the playa?

It was stinking hot in the casa as there was really no viento making it's way in. Happy to say there was a small breeze off del mar, but getting there and back was no small feat. Hot hot hot!!

After cooking the pollo and eating their comida, it was off to the bici for the trip to playa Santa Cruz. And then due to the fact that Max does not like to use the baño for sit down biz, the familia headed back upstairs for a panale pit stop. And they were both already sweating profusely.

Me? A cold beer, a floor fan and the ceiling fan and I lay on the couch watching the race. It was a good race!!

Then I dragged my butt off the couch, pulled Veronica out of the bodega and then did the domingo vacuum and mop before the familia returned home.

Shower for madre y leche while laying on the couch for Max. And then he joined me to cook the quesadillas. Well...kinda helped. He sprinkled some cheese and then was totally distracted. Doph.

So he stood on the banco while the quesadillas cooked and then had a pre-cena "Poppa Poppa" that madre took care of so I did not burn la cena.

Super yummy quesadillas y pico and then after a FT con Oma y Opa and clean up, we managed a 25 minuto bici tour.

Home for tina time and that is where we find ourselves right now. Max soaking in his Rubbermaid tote tina...con epsom salts. His madre is jealous!!

Off for leche y libros and then hoping for a quick bed time...fingers crossed.

And that was our domingo.

Have a great lunes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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