sábado, el 30 de agosto de 2014

A VERY wet morning and here we have Max standing next to a very large puddle. You know what is coming next...keep reading to see the fotos!!

Buenos tardes!! A wet and overcast día here in Huatulco, and at 445pm, Max y Bex are out for a prowl, packing dos paraguas...just in case.

Me? Home from el gimnasio and after some clean up and tranquilo time, I type away with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid playing on the tele.

Chuletas de cerdo lomo in 45 minutos...time to type away.

We had another good bed time...20 minutos com padre and then after the 11pm pee break, which included a playera y cuna change (ugh), Max had a great night's sleep. That means padre did too!!

Awake at 620am and then onto the rutinas...videos, tranquilo time, desayunos and happy to report that the lluvia we experienced when we awoke, had stopped by the time desayunos was over.

Too wet for a bici tour, but great prowling weather...if you can beat the humido that was due to come...and did.

The plan was to be home at 1130am, 5 hours after wake up, but after 90 minutos of prowl...it was too stinking hot, as Max would say.

So...into the chilly CP alberca for a good familia swim!! Madre left us early and The Boys continued on their underwater adventuras!! And if Max had come out of the alberca after the 3rd time I asked...and had not made me come in to retrieve him, he would not have lost his post-cena bici privileges. Oh Max!!

Upstairs for leche y libros and after doing a move on Bex that made her throw out her back, The Niño Whisperer was called into duty. And 15 minutos later, Max was lights out and after 5 more minutos...Bubba was out too!! Score!!

Now, Max has been sleeping 30 minutos or so during siesta, but get his padre next to him and it was a full hour or longer. Wowzers...he was pooped!!And Poppa too...ja ja ja.

Post siesta, Max was into the cocina to cook con su madre, and then after comida and clean up, off they went.

I drove to el gimnasio and pit stopped to buy Max another size 6 playera as his smedium 4's are a little snug. We grabbed 2 this morning for the grand price of $60 pesos and then bought the one this afternoon for $40 pesos. ¿Por que? I asked the señora and she told me the marca, brand, was a better quality. Ya...and you also thought I was a gringo!!!

Post gym I spotted the familia leaving, had a chat con mi hijo and then upstairs I went, and that is where we started the update.

Currently 505pm and the familia has returned with Max excitedly spitting out 100 words and the ones I understood were "mud, bus driver and 2 pesos"...but he was excited!!

He lays on the couch watching some Bernstein Bears before dinner and madre is so domesticated...folding the laundry!!

Ok, onto the fotos and then time to cook la cena.

Max showing Pudge where Poppa has applied the skin cream on his rash.

Check out the mane on this lil'tigre!!

We have brought Pedro Pollo with us on this prowl as protection. Pedro will squawk at everyone we pass, and this will prevent them from touching him...and it worked...100 times over!!

Poppa...looks a little wet. Did you bring the paraguas?

Hector...are you down there?

I was walking backwards so I could take fotos of Max...so Max turned around and started walking backwards. Oh Max!!

But then he spotted "people" and came a running!!

With Pedro Pollo leading the way, Max chases and Pedro squawks at the camion de carga driving by.

And the puddle series of fotos you have all been waiting for!!

Here, Max shows me where he hurt his leg when he fell by this poste a few days ago.

Max Van y Pedro Pollo...ready to start dancing!!

So "stinking hot" we needed a pit stop.

Max looked at the VW van and asked me to show him where "Max y Momma" were in the foto of the waterslides.

Ok...time to cook. See you after tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos tardes!! It is currently 640pm and I have moved Max's cuna into the center of the living room and he is on a time out until 7pm. Then it will be off to tina time, leche y libros (maybe) and hopefully bed time.

Why this time out? It has been a rough day for discipline and it doesn't seem to be making an impact...argh.

Let's add it up...loss of post cena bici time, loss of a truck for the day, loss of visiting the zocalo on the post cena prowl...and now complete loss of the prowl. Friggin disappointing as we all enjoy ending the day with the nice tour or prowl. Argh...time to do some online reading...there has to be a solution to this...I hate this part of being a padre.

Oh...the cuna has moved and he is now in the corner...losing one basket of toys at a time due to not looking in the corner.

Into the tina...pray for us. And finally the tears have arrived...the consequences of his actions have finally sunk in. Wow...what a spirited niño.

As for la cena...oh so yummy and other then pounding on his dinner tray, dinner was good. Max ate his plateful and was somewhat friendly with Oma y Opa during FT, then onto a video and clean up and that was the end of our civil dinner.

Mañana...hoping for a dry morning so we can go for a bici ride and then after that, we can give Max his toys back.

Have a great domingo y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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