martes, el 5 de agosto de 2014

Yup...Max tiene gripe tambien...who is next?

Buenos tardes. Currently 4pm and the ill madre has taken her enfermo hijo out for a tour of Huatulco in the camioneta verde. ¿Por que the truck? Dark dark skies, high winds, thunder in the montañas and she has NO energy to be carrying the lil'man.

We had a great bed time...I knew there was something wrong!! Asleep by 815pm and awake by 930pm. I cannot recall how or if he fell back asleep, but I know from 10pm-11pm or so, he was in my arms and then after we got up so he could puke, he felt much better..."Poppa, I feel much better" and madre took over the Max watch.

I slept until the lil'man woke me up at 7am, moments after he woke up. I guess the two of them had a rough night as Max was fighting gripe and a belly that was full o'gas and other things.

Back to bed for Bex and the boys started the day. Max had full on runny nose and coughing...ugh. We had the tranquilo time, some desayunos but due to the sore throat, not much.

We had a short walk to SCA for huevos and then onto Santa Cruz to the banco for the certified cheque. Max was well behaved'ish...running around and making people smile. It took 30 minutos to get this darn thing and the cost was $1180 pesos for the pasaporte and $200 for the cheque. That is a waaaay better deal then $3000 pesos for our tarjeta de inmigracion...that is good for un año.

Onto recycling and then Che and Max stayed in the cart the whole time. By the time we got home, his energy was gone and the cold taking grip. Get it? The gripe was taking grip?

He was hungry so Bex made him a snack and then it was off for leche y siesta...less then 60 minutos due to the sore throat and congestion. Some niño Tylenol for the pain and we will see about the niño cough meds esta noche.

The unhappy camper lazed around before the two of them went out for some soup and then came home for 30 minutos of baño time. We are having good success with the #1 and no success with the #2. But we keep at it.

I cooked up a Gorilla cheese and then headed to el gimnasio for a low energy workout and then ran into the familia as they were headed out. Their plan was to take the bici, but by the time we came back upstairs to get a fresh pair of ginchies on the lil'man, the ominous weather started up and taking the camioneta verde is a safer bet.

All caught up...onto the fotos.

Not feeling 100%, but well enough to have fun in some sprinklers while keeping his tenis dry.

Now that is a genuine sonrisa.

Not sure why the measuring tape came with us, but we stopped to measure a few llantas.

We are in SCA and en frente of the shelf that holds the huevos...oh yes, no refrigerated eggs here. If you walk down the aisle and look up the next one, like Max is doing, you will see the muy amable amigas that work in the deli.

But there is no exit that way and it looks like Max wants to make a break without saying hola hola.

When Max or Bex are ill, it is off to El Gallo for some sopa, soup, and today I snuck up on them as I was headed to el gimnasio.


Cute pies!!

Not quite the food truck scene you might see in big Canadian or American cities (health inspections? Ja ja ja), but these carts pop up everywhere peeps are bound to congregate.

Ok...clean up time and we are having pollo muslo tonight, so I will need to get going on preparing that as well.

I don't think we are headed out after la might be wet and I expect Max to be too tired. But I will finish this off esta noche.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches. We had some torrential lluvia and the familia made it home safe and sound. They had pit stopped and bought Max a balón, basketball and made it upstairs into the condo fairly dry.

Tranquilo time while Poppa cooked la cena. It was a rough dinner as Max not only did not want to eat, he did not want to sit in his high chair or on the banco. But the food was good and once Max had the iPad in front of him, he lay on the couch and even ate his dinner.

Bex is still not well, but Max needs his post cena outing, so the boys went for a prowl and came home a little late...we should not have pit stopped to say hola hola to Polly!!

Home for tina time and the musica is about to start...bed time is near.

Wish us luck...this could be one lonnnnng noche!!

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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