viernes, el 6 de julio de 2012

New record!! It was a 2 hour PLUS chest nap día!! Max must have needed it…I know I needed the first 90 minutes and spent the last 30 minutes staring at both Max and the ceiling fan!! Ja ja ja

Another great day for us and for the Mexicanos as it is the start of Mexican vacation time porque the escuelas are now closed for the next 5 semanas.

We have seen a bunch of new faces around the complex…they are all welcome to use Max’s alberca.

As a matter of fact, here are today’s alberca fotos.

The day started at 5am again…what is it about 5am? So I rocked the lil’hombre and got him to slumber on the chest for an hour. Then we leche’d him up and madre took the first shift at 720am.

Currently 10pm and that gal is still at it…no siesta!! Wow. A productive day for Bex as she got caught up on her work while we were away at Che and during the loooong siesta.

Me? I had two and feel great today!! But I was pooped earlier today and that led me to taking the 330pm nap duty, thinking I would get a good 30 minutes of zzzz. Score!!

Prior to that, earlier in the day, Max and I did our centro walk and we also did a run in the camioneta. Paid the water bill first…$180 pesos for 2 meses…$14 Cdn. Then off to Nissan to see if Carlos had his time figured out yet.

The news wasn’t good. He could not leave earlier then his normal sábado 2pm quitting time because the jefe of the dealership was away and that leaves Carlos in charge.

He told me he would get back to me at 6pm and let me know if anything could be done and at 645pm, after our swim, I heard back and the trip to Istmos is postponed.

Maybe it will end up being the 3 amigos. Stay tuned.

After Nissan it was off to Che, where we found no big scores unless you count these.

We cracked a can and them is some good beans!!

We have not been paid for this endorsement, but click HERE for the complete Bush line. Madre digs her beans.
Max and I headed home and he napped. Normally I would be typing “I went to el gimnasio” right about here, but today I was pooped and was more inclined in the prospect of napping with the lil’napster.

So Max y madre did their thing and I was involved in the lunch rutina. Max is off the cereal bars…Chef Bex made him some cereal noodles para la cena!!

Max is all about feeding himself…if only he was all about cleaning up after himself!! Ja ja ja

You know about the nap and the pool time was great. We did start dinner and the night rutina late…but knock on madera, Max is still lights out!!

Great cena…quesadillas con pollo y queso tipo manchego y cheddar. And Bex made some pico de gallo…yummy.

From Wikipedia...a blurb on queso tipo manchego.

North America

In Mexico and Spanish-speaking areas of the United Statesmanchego or queso tipo manchego (manchego type cheese) is the name given to a cow's milk cheese similar in taste to colby or a mild cheddar. It melts well and is often used in quesadillas.

Click HERE to read up about pico de gallo.
And that mis amigos, wraps up our day. Oh…we did get some more pastel from our German neighbor. We are well taken care of here!!

Rest of the fotos.

Evidence of teething. Nice baba (drool) on the cushion.

After comida rutina...sink bath.

Lo fotos from today's walk. 

Mañana…double time at the gym and maybe some sun on this pale skin!!

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y more foto?

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