martes, el 3 de julio de 2012

Well…930pm and Bexico is in the recamara for round #2 with Senor Max. I will be up next…stay tuned.

Mañana the lil’hombre will be turning 8 meses old!! Felicidades!!

Today was a good day, another full day for all 3 of us. It sounds like the most fun was missed by padre while he was out meeting con Roman.

Madre y Max had some roll around in the grass time and also had some super fun alberca time. I guess a lawn chair ended up in the wading pool with Max standing on the silla and holding onto the back of the chair.

He loved it and spent time dunking his head into the pool. Madre also spent time talking with a Mexican madre who has a 8 month old hija. I guess the madres that Bex meets, are blown away with what we allow Max to do and at what level his development is at.

Things that we are taking for granted, swimming, crawling in the grass and even eating solids (soft solids), are things these mothers cannot believe we are doing. Huh?

Maybe it is because he now has that one bottom tooth!! It has come through and with the magic of Skype and FT, the tooth has been witnessed by both sets of abuelos.

Lately we have seen Max try to stand on his own and even walking…on his hands and feet…with his butt in the air!!

Here are some fotos (off the underwater camera…not the clearest…lo siento) of Max doing his thing around the condo.

As for the rest of the day, normal rutina except madre took the early shift AND did the walk. Doph…I miss the walk so mañana I am dragging my butt out of bed no matter what.

Good session at the gym and then raced home so I could get ready for the 4pm meet with Roman.

A good meeting…another 2 plus hour meeting. We reviewed EVERY detail that Bex and I had written down and Roman and team have their marching orders.

Phase 3 is all about the detailed CAD drawings for facades, architectural, foundation, structure, utilities and facilities. This should take 3 weeks and we will then end up with the detailed final quote!!

Some great clarity on a few items…looking into using some bamboo for railings and security posts. Also managed to clearly put the foot down on what type of sliding doors we want in all the bedrooms. And one simple detail, that I think looks great but has the added use of venting the rental, a block of small windows, similar to the ones in this foto.

So, a successful meeting and stay tuned.

Tried to grab some roti pollo before heading home, but it was still on the spit…and we are not eating under cooked pollo!!

Came home and started the arroz and Max y madre went out to grab the pollo.

Max is doing so well eating his dinner with us…a tad messy, but he likes feeding himself and lets us know when he wants more. He is not the shy and quiet type when it comes to food…and we know what side of the family that comes from!! Ja ja ja

Almost 11pm, Bex is up in the oficina and I am finishing this post before calling it a day. Yes…the Niño Whisperer was needed tonight, but only for a few minutes.


As it is now julio, I am sure you want the weather stats from junio.

Last month we had highs averaging 32,2 and lows at 26,5. This compares to 32,8 26,0 last year. Slightly warmer nights.

As for comparing to mayo, quite a bit (get it? Bitt!!) cooler as mayo had the averages of 34,7 and 28,0.

Last years julio had average highs of 32,7 and lows of 25,9, so pretty much the same temperatures for the next 3 months.

Mañana? Well, the walk con Max for sure and then we will see what else happens. I do know Che is on the list and I need to talk to Carlos at Nissan, about the trip. I guess Tony cannot make it so I need to see if we are going or postponing. Stay tuned.

The rest of the fotos from the day....tranquilo día...not much going on.

Pots for arbol y flores.

But I was more interested in the 2 cachorros.

Funny place Mexico. Here is a "shady" part of town with some cantinas and "dance clubs", but they take it upon themselves to plant some trees and construct some fencing around them. Trust me, the local government did not pay for this.

But they did pay for this...more road repair.

Many months ago, they dug up the road and repaved it. Now they have put down oil and loose gravel which was pressed into the mixture by a steam/road roller. Most of the hombres working earn $8 CDN per day.

Hasta mañana mis amigos.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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