miercoles, el 25 de julio de 2012

I think we can “see the light”!! Madre’s back is slowly getting better, my gripe is slowly disappearing, and Max is slowly learning how to fall asleep on his own!!

That and he has freed himself from his floatie.

Buenos noches.

A great day, but wow has it been hot lately. The thermo is reading 35,5 grados and with a 65% humido…that equates to 50,0 grados mas o menos. Not hating, just baking!! Ja ja ja

Talk about baking…round 2 on Chef Bex’s pizza was a huge success. Tasted great and once we get pizza pans, all will be good.

The day followed the usual rutina…some leche during the night, some rocking, some chest napping from 515am-630am and then ol’bright eyes telling padre to get his butt out of bed.

So Max and I did what Max and I do and enjoyed all of it. I think he likes his early morning “padre time”…or maybe it is the fact I feed him? Ja ja ja

Due to the early start, it is normally a slow start and that means siesta antes our walk. So we climbed in at 830am (first nap at 830am?) and at 1015am our ojo opened and guess who was there to greet us?

Hola madre!! A tank up for the lil’guzzler and then we slinged up and headed out. It was a quick walk as it was already a scorcher out there, but all good as after we were done walking, madre took the lil’swimmer to the alberca.

Me? I puttered around and then helped get Max in slumber mode for siesta #2 and then hit el gimnasio.

Day #2 was better then ayer, but trying to get back in the rhythm of working out is tough if you have gripe…worse if it is 50,0 grados in the gym!! And where has Jhanhet gone? No good bye? Sham wow.

Hustled home and on the way, I bumped into Amy y Victor for the second time in the día.

And then when I get home, what is this?

Amy is hilarious. He leaves me while I am walking home, makes his route in the camioneta and stops at CP. He comes up to B10 and sees Bex is busy, so he comes on in, drops the water in the bodega, asks where Max is, goes to the recamara and when he returns to the cocina where madre is, he has Max in his arms.

I promised the boys I would join them for pizza sometime soon, and then told them to leave mi hijo alone!!! Ja ja ja

You know what I did for the first time in months? I sat in the sun!! When we would vacation in Mexico, it was all about the 8 hours in the sun and the tan….the trophy to bring back to show all the mates.

Now with Max, we hit the shade as much as possible and I was feeling a little pasty. So 15 minutes in the oven, followed by another 15 in the pool, and I am a little crispy. Doph.

Raced up to help get the lil’guy to sleep for nap #3 and when he wiped the flowing red hair away from those blue eyes and then said to me…”padre, how about a chest nap?”, I could not refuse.

Score!! After the nap, off to the pool for some floating and standing on the chair.

Then it was an early dinner and we had Max into the bedroom shortly after 7pm and after 30 minutes of walking the bed with madre watching on, I came in and had another 20 minutes of the same. The kid has energy!!

But after 20 minutes, he wiped the flowing red hair away from his blues eyes and then said to me…”padre, it is time”. I took the lil’bundle of joy into my arms, rocked him for 3 minutes and he was in slumber mode.

Onto the bed where he circled around like a dog trying to get comfortable, and then lights out!!

Currently 930pm and for 90 minutes I have had his butt in clear view on the monitor and all is good!! Phew. Madre says hola from the oficina and I am updating you all while watching some pretty funny Jimmy Fallon sketches on TV.

Mañana? It is already jueves? Huh? Che and no sé what else. It looks like a possible meet with Roman on viernes. He is also headed 2 hours away, where the city hall that covers Mojon resides, and will pay our taxes. There goes another $600 pesos…$47 Cdn for the year. Ja ja ja

Have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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