viernes, el 27 de julio de 2012

A little fuzzy…sorry about that. It actually reflects how we felt when the foto was taken. As you can see, Max is not happy and it took me 2 hours to find out why.

What was the issue? He had a tank up at 6am and even though he awoke at 7am…he wanted leche and I didn't catch the signals. Doph. It was a rough 2 hours for both of us but 5 minutes after his 9am fill…he was one VERY happy niño!!

Buenos noches.

We will make this short and sweet. A GREAT night sleep for Max, and of course it is the one night I had trouble falling asleep. Doph.

The day had the morning walk, some pool time, a few chest naps, our new favorite…crawling amongst the hormigas and of course lots of time for Max y madre to spend together.

I had a mid day siesta, needed it but what a waste of time. Argh. I had a quick workout at el gimnasio and a great score…real leche…at Che. How exciting a día!! Ja ja ja

915pm UPDATE…our lil’hombre passed out cold at 745pm and is still out. Our neighbor’s niña has had her 915pm pre-bed time screams…all is normal in CP!! Ja ja ja


Form our morning walk. The panoramic, the wide shot and the regular shot...all of Amy y Victor doing what they do best...eating. Today it was chocolate caliente y tamales para desayunos, served from the comedor manned by the hombre we call Tío.

Amy...nice guy but not the brightest. At 8am I asked for agua...and had to call him at 4pm to remind him. They were there within minutes (small town), and I think we are the only peeps that give the water guys a glass of water on these hot days!!

Day 2 of the new rutina.

No wonder he was so tired tonight...he must have crawled a kilometre!!

Smart kid...he know he needs both hands to crawl.

He might become a drummer...he loves to drum. Or is that pound?

Hector works at foto for him. Max is about to go for the pluma (pen) behind Hector's ear.


I thought Isssste was closing their doors as every time I go in there, there is less and less product on the shelves. Today I go in and see a 3 for 2 sale on Max’s panales. I head back to the camioneta for the cc, grab 6 paquetes and hit the cashier. The sale is mañana…doph.

I bought the mermelada naranje, and told the caja hasta mañana.

Mañana…must spend time on the Mojon plans. And I am really hoping we all get a great sleep!!

There was no race fin de semana pasada…but there is one on domingo!!

Last foto...our lil'arboriculturist.

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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