jueves, el 26 de julio de 2012

Max, more coffee with breakfast?

So…Max is now falling asleep at night waaaay easier then he did before. It is all about letting him roam the bed, a quick rock and then he lays down and is lights out.

The new problem? He has become soother dependent during his night sleep. Two days in a row, whenever he wakes up without the soother in his mouth, he gets antsy and cannot fall asleep again.

We stick the dumb thing in his mouth and he is lights out. So…my back is better because I do not need to rock him so much t get him to initially fall asleep, but now I have to go into the bedroom every hour or so and look for the soother. Doph

So how did that affect last night’s sleep? Maybe the worst one yet for both Bex and I. Max crawled over at midnight and plopped himself onto my chest.

That was kinda nice, but he squirms every 10 minutes so it was not a sound sleep for padre.

I tried to roll him off, but he was waking up and we left him there. The problem came with my snoring and inability to put my breathing mask on with Max on my chest.

So poor madre had to move out and sleep in the otra recamara…where the ventilador is noisy. So in comes the floor fan and that is so-so…and it was a chilly 29,0 grados last night. Yikes. Lo siento madre.

Max slept in and at 715am we were up.

Usual rutina, but today he wasn’t into eating solids during his desayunos o comida…he was a leche monster…go go madre!!

No walk with me today…after our 30 minute siesta (the ONE day I could have used 60 minutes), we went for some grass time. We found some dry grass in the shade, and I let him loose.

Max loves the freedom and to explore and climb. Oh, we are in trouble when he starts to walk!! Ja ja ja

A little crawling in the grass.

Led to some standing under the skull and cross bones sign. Doph.

Madre missed us so much, she came down and joined in and then took over Max time for the rest of the day.

I hit the rack for a quick cat nap, took the truck to el gimnasio and then hit up Che. Hola to some lomo cerdo!! I bought 2 and we are having one mañana con papas puree y gravy…salsa Moreno (brown sauce) as they call it here.

Raced home and cooked up the pasta sauce as I had a 4pm meet with Roman y Sergio and didn’t want to be rushing la cena when I finished up.

A good meeting…all about where lights, fans and the such will be located in the casas. Not exciting stuff, but a drain on the brain. We reviewed everything and I have the plans with me to double check, and need to get them back to the guys over the weekend.

Grabbed some bollo on the way home, heated up la cena and the night rutina started again. While the pasta was cooking, we had Oma y Opa niño sit Max via the FT.

I took the track and field session…the one where you just sit back and watch Max go through his decathlon of events. Hilarious…and then he comes over and let’s you know he is done, but just needs some help because he is only a lil’guy.

And that was the day.

Rest of the fotos?

While eating desayunos, Max spotted someone trimming an arbol outside our window.

Max has been working hard on figuring out the sock monkey Jack in the Box.

Beating the crap out of it and yelling at it, hasn't yet provided the results he was looking for.

Time to regroup and rethink the situation.

Mañana…sleep in, sleep in, sleep in…but probably up at 5am and then 7am. But we will go crawling in the grass again and forget how tired we really are!!

Have a great viernes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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