lunes, el 16 de julio de 2012

Hola everyone.

9pm and the lil’snoozer is lights out. He was pooped…and not in the tina!! Ja ja ja

Great day…I will try not to bore you.

Max’s sleep was so-so and at 515am I know I took him and rocked him back to sleep. I also know that he chest napped until 745am, which is a good thing because we all needed the extra time.

Max gulped down his breakfast and then we woke up madre with breakfast in bed for her.

And we were on the road to Pochutla at 951am…right on time for our 9am projections!! Lol

Max was due for a nap, but wanted nothing to do with it. On a day when he is up at 745am, we can expect 3 or 4 naps for a total of 2-2.5 hours of sleep.

Well…during our trip to Puerto and back, we were gone almost 8 hours and he slept twice. Once for 15 minutes and on the way home from Puerto, another 40 minutes.

That is why he was pooped tonight. It is evident he does not know how to fall asleep on his own. Maybe our fault as we do not want him to have the crying until you fall asleep experience.

So tonight I took the bed duty as Bex had a Skype with a possible client. All I did was let Max walk the bed and try to climb the walls and pillows, adding more pillows so he kept climbing until he was done trying.

Then 3 minutes of rocking, 5 minutes of holding and ta-da. Knock on wood…maybe this will work mañana too?

Back to the day.

Our usual Pochutla/Puerto rutina means a stop at Bodega and see what they have that we cannot find in Huatulco.

Bodega is the grocery store owned by Walmart and generally has a few items we could use. Today it was saran wrap…yup, saran wrap. The stuff they sell here is BS…impossible to use!!

As well, madre scored on some more of her All Bran bars. Phew…it was getting edgy around here. Just kidding!!

Max was asleep in the truck and 15 minutes after I went into the Bodgea, I see the familia has joined me. Oh Max.

After Bodega, we drive up the main street and hit the tiangus. This open market is only held on lunes and it has been packed every time we have been there.

They sell a little of everything. Fruta, verdura, ropa, tools, electronic, muebles etc.

We enjoy the walk and looking around, but it was cramped and hot and Max was ready for leche, so we finished our exploring and headed back to the camioneta.

Puerto is another hour west and right as we were leaving Pochutla, we could see the damage from the hurricane that had passed through.

We had wind and a ton of rain, but the true force of the hurricane hit land only an hour west from us.

There were 100’s of trees, some huge, that had been knocked down, and we also saw quite a few homes that were damaged. Tough to think what it would be like to ride out a hurricane in a house with a palapa roof.

First stop in Puerto is lunch. We keep going back to this place because it has easy parking and is right on the playa. We need to rethink this as the service is always so-so and the food hit and miss.

I order a BLT sin aguacate, mas tocino y confirm there is mayo on it. What do I get? A bun that has been cut open and toasted, bacon piled up on both sides and the tomato and lettuce on the plate, under the bun. Huh…self serve sandwich making?

Oh well. Max had been on my lap eating his lunch…we have the cooler and madre did a great job packing his lunch…and cleaning the floor after he was done!!
When our meals came, I wolfed mine down and then took over Max duty. All this time peeps were just in love with him. Duh!!

No walk today as Max was running low, so we hit the Che. We all managed to go in this time…last time Max y madre snoozed in the camioneta as I went in.

A few scores…A1 sauce for madre, croutons, hola to Heinz ketchup chips!!! and I also grabbed some “real” milk for the rest of the week.

We made it home in an hour 45 and for a short time, I heard some snoring coming from the back seat(s) of the camioneta!!!

We managed a quick alberca time, where Max now has 2 novia!! Oh Max.

La cena was easy…burritos and ensaldas, so we stayed on track with the rutina…and that was our day.


Truth. In all our years together, I have never seen Bex being able to be sooooo tonto (silly) as she is with our hjio.

In Pochutla for some KFP...Kentucky fried pollo?

A small break from the crowds at the tiangus.

An example of how we spend our día.

Just stopping and talking to peeps who want to touch His Highness.

Definitely piña season.

In the camioneta, post tanque up. We were letting the a/c cool the truck down and Max took a turn at the wheel.

Crazy curly red hair. Side mirror? Clear.

Blind spot? Clear.

Get out of my way!!

Niña at my 2 o'clock.

Hey good looking...need a lift?

Really? My cuna or yours?

Sorry mis gotta get out...I have a hot date!!

Mañana…10 am to meet with Roman and must hit el gimnasio. After being in Puerto, a big surf town, I know Mojon is on the radar so Bexico can get back on her board. Stay tuned.

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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