viernes, el 30 de marzo, de 2012

Phew…viernes is finally here!! And did it ever start early. Can you say 530am? Yikes.

Max seemed to be burp filled and awoke at 530am and needed some help. I looked at madre giving him some help…and she looked pooped!! She has had the early shift every day recently…so I stepped up!!

The plan was to prop myself up like I used to, and have him sleep on my chest. Well, he was having none of that (this time…stay tuned) so I bounced him and next thing I knew…lights out!! Tough to tell if he was truly asleep…kinda dark at 545am…but into the cuna he went and he did sleep…until 645am!!

Up and at em and this is what the lil’hombre looks like at 7am.

And then all WB’d up to go out for a stroll.

Great walk as it is only 27,0 grados at 715am and we were impressed to see so many tiendas open for business. And why were they open? Hoping to score on some early arriving chilangos. Hola to Semana Santa!!

And how did Max enjoy the walk with his mascota nueva? Pedro Pollo made many peeps laugh when they saw Max grabbing it and then when I squeezed it to make its noise!! Fue muy divertido…it was fun!!!

Home and it was nap time for Senor Max.

And then some FT with mis padres and next thing you know…leche time con madre!!

I hit el gimnasio and it was nice to see Fermin, mi taxista amigo.

Back through centro, hola to the boys and catching up with Daniel y Lalo. Last 2 weeks of their busy season…they are anxious.

Home and it seems that the lil’hombre had not been cooperating with nap time. Some vocal opposition to being put in his cuna and when he did go into his cuna, he would sleep for 5 minutes and then be wide awake.

So at 3pm, I see that Bexico needs to trade off…send in the Baby Whisperer. Now, I must be claro…Bexico had already bounced him quite a bit (heex4), so he was sleepy…and he hadn’t really had nap #3, so that added to his tiredness.

I get in there, look him in his ojos diablos, and let him know I mean nap business. Ten minutes later he is asleep…on my chest…and 90 minutes after that, he wakes up in madres arms. Huh? He slept on me…I took a nap too, and then when he started to wake up, I passed him to Bexico. When he opened his ojos, he was kinda confused…asleep on padre, wake up con madre!! Ja ja ja

Almost 5pm and we had not had alberca time, so off we went and had a blast. Max laughs when you tickle him on his sides, his neck or belly, but today in the pool he just was laughing out loud.

While holding him up, I had him standing on a ledge and all I did was blow some bubbles and all of a sudden came these giggles and shrieks of laughter. Hilarious. He is such a character!!

The rutina was approaching quickly and I needed to hit Che…so upstairs we went and Bex y Max went one way (hello to chez lounge time) and I hit the road.

No scores…but grabbed some lomo cerdo para mañana and some items for when mis padres visit. Padre…we are loaded up on paper towel!!

Home and jumped in to assist with the finish of the rutina and then the lil’hombre was fed and tucked in by madre.

9pm and la cena is finito, the platos are all washed, a few Oreo cookies are finished and Bexico is in the oficina.

Anoche, the big concerto was held in Santa Cruz. Our neighbor, Blanca, was involved with organizing it and had invited us. Too much work for 7pm…the rutina, la cena etc. But I spoke to some peeps today and they said it was great.

Palabras para el día…barba de chivo. 

I shaved (it is the end of the month isn’t it?) and trimmed the goatee. While I was leaving the compound Silverio made a comment and used a word I did not know…chivo. So I did my due diligence and was totally confused by what Fermin told me. Always trust Daniel...chivo is a baby goat…a kid. Barba means beard. Literal translation is “beard of kid” also known as a goatee. Ta da!!

Ok, fotos.

From the 7am walk...the verdura has arrived.

That camioneta roja will need some muelles nuevo!!

This perro is on the roof top across from the condos. He starts at around 4am.

Here in Mexico, gas is propane and gasolina is gas. Got it? Oaxaca Gas has a truck that drives around town and you can tell when it is in your neighborhood when you hear the "mooooo" followed by the speakers blaring "Gas Oaxaca".

They will sell you tanques, or in this case, pull out the escalera so they can check the bulk tanque on your roof.

This is Max's friend who sits outside the papeleria and says hola to Max. Today he was getting his shower and seemed to really enjoy it. Who knew?

Naranjas y mas naranjas!!

The planta de baja is clear of all the wood and the primero piso on the taqueria is now complete. Grand re-opening? Mañana...ja ja ja

And from the walk to/from el gimnasio.

The first of many turismo buses. The side mirrors have been painted to look like horns.

If you see these guys...

Somewhere in town you will see this guy!!

Missed the JC concierto (as Senor Lower called, maybe we need to go to this Noche de Carnaval?

Show mágico y Candidatas a Reinas!!

Mañana? Stay tuned. No races on domingo, but Silverio y familia might stop by so I can take some family fotos for him. Oh...we also lose an hour on domingo!!

Last foto.

As you can tell by the expression...I do not use the flash very often!!

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bex y Max

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