lunes, el 19 de marzo de 2012

Wow…what a windy day!! Kept things nice and cool…if you call 30,0 grados cool!! Ja ja ja

7pm…hola to Global News while Max y madre settle in for sleep and a well deserved nap. Max was up muy temprano…545am…and madre took the first shift.

I had the 2nd shift and we went for a long walk around centro, amongst all the tourists from DF. Busy in the centro as I think some peeps are starting early their 2 weeks of holidays around Semana Santa.

Our walk fotos.

Another hose hombre in the zocalo.

With all the tourists, lots of peeps selling their wares.

But worry not, these are very courteous nagging salespeople.

Reduce, reuse, leave on calle.

After the centro, stopped into a tienda to buy a new teether for Max. Por que? Because I was boiling a batch (to sanitize) and his favorite seemed to not like the boiling agua. Doph.

As we were leaving Betto, Max fell asleep. Got him home and headed to sit around the alberca. Wasn’t sure I would be able to get him out of the sling and onto my chest, but I did. And 45 minutes later he awoke hambre…hungry.

So up to the condo we went and time to wake up the milk machine, madre. Bex took over and I headed to el gimnasio.

Good workout and nice to see Hector back in the gym. He took a few weeks off due to hurting his knee while playing basketball. We chatted it up…I think we have been invited to a huge fiesta on July 25, the aniversario of his abuleo’s passing…or was it birthday? Any way, a huge honor if it truly does happen.

And right after playing a broma on him (I added weigh to his barbell prior to his last set of bench presses), he gave me a sandia that came from his own rancho.

Nice guy…a little crazy…but I think he feels the same way about me!! Ja ja ja

No walk through centro…had a watermelon to lug home. 

Not much to see around town today, but here are the fotos from the gym walk.

Back to the theme of Huatulco 1sts...

Plomero? Have toilet, will travel?

Tough to see...hombre selling blankets. Oh Jose...

For Melon's camo foto collecting amigo.

I was looking out for the cobra.

But he was playing outside a Sol depot...looking for a freebie.

I came home and after some hanging around and catching up…hola to pool time!!

And the pool was almost empty!! I think many of the Canadians have headed back to Canada to beat the Semana Santa (Easter week) crush. And what…no adios for Max? Ruder!!! Ja ja ja

Oh the town will be full and the pool will have its share of screaming niños!! Just what the new condo Presidente likes…a cigar smoking hombre who moved here full time from the US. Doph.

Great pool time and another successful head under water dip for Max.

As for his last nap of the day…it did not happen. I tried but he shook himself out of the sleep he was in, and let us know he wanted out of his cuna. So…onto the big bed where he could stare out the window at the trees and leaves blowing in the viento. Easy to please…sometimes!!

And that allowed me the opportunity to take these fotos.

Un-named series. Chez lounge? Fingers and Toes?

The rutina happened on time and without incident and you are caught up.

Here is Max asleep...might be hard to see.

Great monitor...thanks Melon!!

845pm and la cena is finished and Bexico is in her oficina as I type away and watch The Blind Side. I would be watching the Canucks game if the dish gave me all the canals!! Carlos!!

Doph…just as well as I checked and we lost 2-0.

Mañana…we will see what the day brings us.

Last foto.

Mi corazon es lleno!!


Marco, Bexico y Max

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