Buenos noches.
No foto sábado…lo siento.
Everyone is well and at
9pm, Bex is in the oficina, Max is zzz and I have a replay of some Nascar on
the tube…and Canucks are down 1-0 after the 1st period.
Another early day…no
The hombres next door managed
to get some concreto on some camionetas parked in our complex, but ours came
out ok. But the camioneta was so sucio from all the construction dust, I
managed to get them to wash mine as well…$20 peso propina!!
Max and I had a short walk
today as Bexico needed him lively for her Skype con sus padres at 930am. When
we got home, it was tiempo para nap, so the Skype was delayed 15 minutes. The
lil’hombre needed to sleep and then eat!!
But he was right on
schedule for 945am and they all had a nice chat.
I got ready for el
gimnasio, the rico gym, and then promptly fell asleep on the couch for 30
minutes. Oh Bubba!!
Quick session at the gym
and then home to get ready for the chelas con mis amigos.
Met the guys at Nissan,
hola to the otra amigos, and then off to Senor Pucks. There, I used beer caps
to explain curling to Carlos y Tony. Ja ja ja
Nice guys and they work
hard on helping me understand what they are saying, either by slowing down,
using a different word…OR just saying it in ingles!!
I was confused about the
pistola story Carlos was telling. Someone was shooting into the ceiling? I asked
a few times…”pistola?” and then finally asked if it was the same type as the
policia use. Then both guys laughed as they were talking about a construction
tool used to install plywood on a ceiling…same palabra.
Later, we had some hot
wings using the Franks I found at the abarrote. The boys were telling me about
some salsa con habanero and then they took a bite of these wings and I actually
saw 2 Mexicans sweat!! Ok, maybe just a little. They liked the wings, first
time they had ever had them that way. Even the mesero liked the sauce and was
going to buy some!!
And a first for Tony? He
had never played pool, so Carlos and I showed him the ins and outs of the game.
Much easier to explain vs curling!!
My social calendar is
getting full!! Lunes is hopefully Mojon, jueves looks like mi primero tlayuda
con Daniel and I have been invited to visit the home town of Carlos. Not sure
the name of his hometown, but it is located in the Isthmus region. He suggests
that Tony, himself and I, head out on a sábado after his work and then return
the next day.
It is about 3 hours there
and once there…hello to some sites, some BBQ and maybe some horseback riding at
el rancho de su padre. Sounds like fun and nice to be invited.
The answer to Carlos was
sí, pero I needed to figure out the details con Bex porque Max. Stay tuned as I
am sure there will be many fotos when that trip is completed.
Click HERE for some more
Isthmus information.
Home a few minutes later
then I wanted, and thought mi familia was already at the pool. But nope…Max had
2 mega naps while I was gone…including a world famous chest nap on madre!! A
little concerning that he napped so much, but he has no fever and was cheerful
once he woke up.
Might be all the rolling
over, the tummy time, the heat or maybe it is a growth spurt? All good…naps fix
Great pool time but by
going down so late, the sun no longer hits the pool and with some viento….brr
for the lil’hombre. Made it a shorter session and then came upstairs to prep
for the 6pm rutina.
It went off without a
hitch, Bex grabbed a nap with our hijo and then we chowed down on la cena…and
you are all caught up.
Mañana…rib eye domingo y
some Nascar as well!!
Hasta mañana.
Marco, Bex y Max
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