jueves, el 8 de marzo de 2012


Well credit due where credit earned. In less then 72 hours, our internet is back up and working!! Grassy-ass mi amigos de Telmex!!

Makes life a whole lot easier for Bexico…and I do enjoy reading a few newspapers on line!!

Great news…heard back from R&H and they have offered us a great deal on G10 for the 2 weeks mis padres will probably be here. Nice to have them feel comfortable in a nice condo, one they stayed in last time and one close to B10.

We can drop off Max at 7am and go back to zzz!! Ja ja ja

Our day? Hmmm?

Max had a great sleep with almost no congestion. I did see his very first runny nose later today…every day something new with him. A few other new things? Almost rolled over by himself by using his left hand (of course) to grab something that was to his right.

And just minutes ago…brushing away my hands so he could hold his bottle by himself. The lil’hombre is getting close to eating mushed up solid food!!

The day “started” at around 8am. Huh? Max was actually up for some eats at 4am and 7am, but fell back asleep both times. Score!!

I took the 8am’er and after the pañale change, off for a walk.

You still there padre?

Good walk and muy tranquilo at 830am. The weather is changing and it is already hotter at 830am then it has been for the past few meses.

Lots of holas as there seem to be lots of tourists in town…they all love Max. Met a niña who was 1,5 years old and she was smaller then Max. Some nice concern from Vicky, worried about both Max and Bex’s gripe.

Fotos from the early morning walk.

This hombres fresh fruita is already cut and on ice.

Somewhere in there are the two rib eyes we will be eating para la cena del domingo!!

Stool sample?

And the laboratory?

Restaurante update. Looks like they are working on the 2nd floor, known as the primero piso in español.

Oh yeah, the ground floor is planta baja and the second floor the "first floor" or primero piso.

Home and then we sat around the alberca chilling down. Got the signals crossed and woke up Bexico thinking the "machine" wanted to be fed…but nope. Strange day that way…he resisted naps more then usual, fed less and we actually had to give him a pre-bed bottle vs the pecho. Who knows?

Anyway, back to the day. We swapped over and Bex took care of the lil’hombre and I headed out to el gimnasio.

Fotos from that walk.

Three kids on a bici.

Not sure why they were not in school. 

These niños are taking the shortcut to school...through the canal.

Great dune buggy...but a 2/3rd life crisis?

The owner lives in our complex and we have seen the dune buggy parked out front. Today he was getting some work done with Raphael, mi mecanico amigo.

The quote of the day? From the 60'ish year old owner..."I just bought it and my wife is still not talking to me". Ja ja ja

Mango season is upon us.

More cook tops?

This hombre was selling joyas...jewellery.

Someone gets paid to clang this piece of metal and let peeps know to bring their basura to the camion.

There are several places that offer to buy your gold or to give you high interest loans until payday. According to Daniel, these are very popular tiendas in all of Mexico. Here is one mascota.

Three joven working on getting people to sign up for tarjeta credito that has a 45% interest rate. Doph.

They love their pollo here!! New comedor and this one offers side dishes.

Coco frio.

I have no doubt Max will attempt this sometime.

Had a good session…earlier then normal and that means it was cooler and the gym almost empty.

Headed through centro and after a quik hola to mis amigos at Gabriels, grabbed some plátanos and then home. Came home to find we had a guest!! Heidi (of G10) was in the centro and popped in to say hola and to check out the lil'hombre.

Afterwards, it was my turn for nap duty and it was a good 30 minutes of chest time!! Meanwhile Bexico got in some laps at the pool and then Max put up another false alert. I think he just wanted to see his madre after our nap!!

Swap again and I had a quick dip and that pretty much takes us up to 5pm and the pre-6pm runtina. But first, at 530pm, I’ll take “Why Max won’t sleep” for $200 please Alex.

The “fun” continued with Max not wanting to follow the rutina, a first for him, so padre took over the sleep duty. A quick re-swaddle, rolled him on his side and then gave him the padre stare down until his eyes were too heavy to stay open. Ta-da!!

We chowed down and actually left the a/c on in Max’s room as it is a warm night. Currently 9pm and it is 31,0 grados inside and 29,9 out. And this is sin humido!! Oh oh!

On the theme of utilities…just received our water bill. Dos meses and $160 pesos…$13 Cdn. Now that is a bill I can accept!!

So the Canucks game is about to start, Max is asleep in the chiller and Bex is hard at work upstairs. Heck, if someone didn’t have all the facts, it would seem like she was being taken advantage of!!

Naaah. We are a great team and are loving life as parents.

Mañana…see how the team feels, but we would love some time at Mojon.

Last foto is of mi sobrina Kennedy...many moons ago...wearing her favorite sweater. It has the same design as the pjs Max was wearing ayer. Thanks to mi hermana for sending the foto. Cute eh?

Great short handed goal by the Nucks!! 

Have a great viernes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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