jueves, el 29 de marzo de 2012

Buenos noches!!

9pm and we saw the pelicula Man on Fire on TV and we own the DVD, so threw that in and we are watching it. We finished la cena, dishes are waiting and then madre will head back to the oficina.

A great day...Max slept until 645am!!

As per our current usual, Bex had the early shift and when I took over, it was a quick walk through centro. Por que rapdio? Friggin hot even at 10am.

At 10am I recall seeing the thermo at 30,7 grados and 60% humido…equates to around 40,0 grados!! And later during the walk to el gimnasio…35,3 y 55%...around 46,0 grados!!

Anyways, a quick walk, a few holas and then home for some eats, a nap and then some alberca time and also squeezed in a few minutes of FT con mis padres.

Great pool time, but it was short as Max does not seem to enjoy the morning session as much as the afternoon. Misses his madre? Probably!!

So we got out and pulled up the camping chair and chatted it up. Today we talked about all the litter we see on the way to Mojon and what we as a familia are going to do about it.

And as we were chez lounging…who rolls up? Bexico has awoken and came to see what the familia was doing at the alberca!!

Tag team…he was hungry!! And after some rummaging around, off to el gimnasio I went. Huh…2pm departure? And I pay the price with the heat. No cardio…only weights as I have already finished 3 litros of water!!

Quick walk through centro, hola to the gang and then home…ok, first I grabbed some DC and some items for mis padres visit. Oh, I also bought Max a new mascota…keep reading for fotos.

Home and Max needed another nap…my turn to get him to shut his ojos diablos!! But he forgets I have a few extra tricks up my sleeve and he was out in 10 minutes or so.

And then it was time for our second swim…con Max’s new amigo…Pedro!! Successful swim and dunk…old school for him…and then upstairs and getting ready for the rutina.

Rutina all completed and some great pollo con papas puree para la cena.

And you are all caught up.

Mañana…no extra plans. Stay tuned.

Fotos for the day.

Inflation!! This pollo used to be $65 pesos, then $70 and now $74.99. And they don't even use the centivo anymore. 

Where there are baskets, there are cobras!!

Un mecánico muy inteligente...y caliente!!

No sling needed for this niño.

Naaah. First time I have ever seen anyone actually buy one of the store mannequins!!

WFSITBOTT? Looks like he needs Raphael to come visit.

Couches and more couches. Daniel tells me these peeps go straight to the factories, buy a few units at super wholesale and then drive town to town, pueblo to pueblo trying to sell them.

New lines for the taxi sitio...stand. Actual translation means "site".

Oh that's how they do it.

And last but not least….Max y Pedro.

Max…what expression does Pedro make?

Yup, that was Pedro Pollo, who squawks quite loudly, and who did so MANY times while in the pool con Max!! Hope we did not annoy any of the smokers…ja ja ja.

Late addition to the entry...

Click HERE to see a character design Bexico completed for her client in Belgium. Bex has 5 more characters she is designing...as well as working on a pelicula for this clients website!! Felicidades Bexico!!

Have a great viernes.

Marco, Bex y Max

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