lunes, el 5 de marzo de 2012

7pm and I declare this day to be successful!!

Today in the alberca, Max had not one, but two dunks!! Ok, only one was intentional, but he succeeded at both!!

He was in my hands and squirmed forward and went face first into the pool. As I pulled him up, I made sure madre was aware so that she could be there to reassure him, and after 30 seconds of not being sure what to do, he smiled and carried on splashing.

We were not sure if we were going to give him the official dunk, but decided to move forward. New trick…Bexico dunks herself a few times and when she comes up, Max is smiling and laughing.

So we lowered him until his head was right above the water, gave him the big puff of air into his face and under the water he went!! He came up, gave us the “what the f*** was that all about?” look and within 30 seconds, was all smiles!! Phew.

So…a successful día!!

And what time did this día start? Around 5am Max awoke and was not quiet about it. So loud that later when I left the condo, Silverio asked me what had happened at 5am!!

Madre took care of him and at around 7am I found the 2 of them fast asleep next to me. I got up and a few minutes later, found Max looking around wondering why the day had started without him!!

I grabbed the lil’hombre and we gave him a pañale change and we headed out the door. A good walk around the centro…lots of holas were given and received.

The best one? While we were outside the kindergarten, a 4 year old niño came up to us and said “hola Max”!! He was the same niño we had seen a few weeks ago and remembered Max’s nombre!! Hilarious!!

A few fotos from our walk around el centro.

They start at around 7am. Are you kidding?

The boys at the gate need tapones for their orejas!! 

Little veggie store across from the condo. 

I paid $2 pesos for una cebolla grande...20 cents or so Cdn.

Almost mango season.


815pm and we are watching the CTV 6pm news. Just back from re-swaddling Max and then had to hit the planta baja (ground floor) and ask some peeps how long the drilling was going to continue.

Totally español, but they also know Max, so they looked and sounded very sorry and said 20 minutes mas. Fingers crossed!!

Back to the day.

When Max and I got back to the condo, he was asleep. I figured we would sit by the pool and that he would awake when I got him out of the sling. Sopressa!! I got him out of the sling and onto my chest and he slept there for 25 minutes, including a move for some friggin smokers.

Who sits next to a bebe and lights up a cigarette?

Max woke up, looked around and told me it was time for him to soak his pies. So we did that until I heard his tummy growl. Kidding!! That kid eats so often, I bet his tummy doesn’t whimper, let alone growl!!

Upstairs to wake up madre and then we swapped off.

I hit el gimnasio…nice to be temprano, early, as the gym was empty and not so hot!!

Good work out and then back home.

Fotos from the gym walk.

Taken from the tercer piso, they are building a palapa next door.

No safety rules here...but if you do get hurt, there is a type of WCB.

These are day labourers hoping to score a day of work for $100-$150 pesos.

Raphael the mecanico, warned me about a certain arbol...tree.

Not sure I am still allergic to bee stings, but I am not taking that chance!!

And on the street where Raphael works....

That was a Ford Ranger with bald tires, being supported by one jack and one log.

Transmission lunes for this Nissan.

Things are simple here. Need a part? Jump on the bici and ride 5 minutes to a tienda de refracciones...ta-da.

Outside a comedor...a bebe in a hamaca with a sheet to protect them from el sol. 

Las cuatro senoritas en de color rosa.

The forth one is mid way down on the far right side.

Not sure who they were looking for in the jail.

Back from the playa, con life ring.

I had a cita with our regular doctor…needed to check out something, and good news. Got the all clear bill of health and after a little “work”, only got a bill for $2500 pesos. Yikes.

The familia strolled through town, found the location of a friendlier pediatra, and then headed home.

Fotos from that jaunt.

The first foto was taken due to the senorita's talent.

But I waited a little longer and think this is a better foto. Thoughts?

Max y Bex by the bandstand in the zocalo.

Taken through the window, Lalo polishing some silver.

When we got home…nap time for Max and Bex hit the alberca for some laps. When Max awoke, FT time with mis padres and his great uncle, Han…one of mi padres 4 hermanos.

They all had a great FT, but especially once Max was in his conejito seat and just talked up a storm.

I stepped out to give Daniel his rollo de canela and to pay the balance to the doctor (who carries $2500 pesos around with them?) and then once I was back…hola to the pool.

You know the pool story and once we were done there, it was another nap for Max (good work madre!!) and then time to set up for the 6pm rutina.

Max was asleep quite quickly, but as I said, he awoke a few times too. That is raro for him as normalmente, once he is asleep for the night, he is asleep for the night!!

845pm…found Global TV and Bexico is up in the oficina. Lots on the go with that gal, she picked up a new project and client. A nice change of pace as she will be working on a comic strip.

Mañana? I think I will stroll down to the Hospital and confirm that jueves will be un buen día to go in and get Max’s 4 month vacunas. Throw in the gym and a little Che…ta-da.

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bex y Max

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