miercoles, el 6 de abril de 2011

Hola blog followers!!

It is 10pm here and we are pooped. How do two people living in Mexcio get pooped? The heat mi amigos, the heat.

Even at Mojon the viento was a warm wind coming off the oceano and then over the hot sand of the playa. But the ocean itself was great at keeping us cool.

Caught off guard as time went by and we didn't realize it was 5pm and we were still at Mojon. No movie miercoles for us...oh well. And then after a pit stop at Che and a shower at the pool to rid our selves of any salt and sand, we looked at the clock and it was already 7pm. But is was still light out...no complaints.

So we are calling it a day and as there was nothing earth shattering today, we feel ok making this a shorty.

Mañana...clase and then back to the routine. Bexico is waiting to hear back from Paris about this possible  new contract and I will be hearing back from Lanny's peeps sometime next week.

Have a great jueves all.

Marcos y Bexico

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