viernes, el 27 de diciembre de 2013

Ahhh...650am wake ups WILL leave a smile on your face!! Felicidades Max y madre!!

Buenos noches!! We had another successful día...minus a few tears before siesta time. Max y madre had a great sleep in and I took over right before 7am. Off for our prowl and knowing it was Che viernes, it wasn't a long one.

Home for the huge desayunos I am used to feeding the machine, and then after some tranquilo time con Bex, it was off to Che. No scores, but a few items not available at Sorianas were at Max's leche. Doph.

Raced home and we managed to squeeze in a great familia swim...but those are now on the endangered species list on Che or Sorianas days. ¿Por que? We have concluded that Max needs some tranquilo time after his pool time, because he is just too wired to fall asleep peacefully for his siesta. It was a challenge today and will see how it goes next week. Stay tuned.

Not the longest siesta, but it was a straight through sleep for both of the boys...score!!

I was off to el gimnasio, after a bite of lunch, and then home to my usual rutina. I also cooked up the chili para mañana...playa Mojon chili!!

The familia had their lunch, jumped on the bici and headed out to the Cluuub, and then a quick pit stop at Rosario's Palace for some play time.

Home for leche and dinner...easy to reheat meatballs...and then a Madonna dance party for Max y Poppa. Into tina time and a quick FT con Oma y Opa, and then off to bedtime. That is about to start...stay tuned.

Onto the fotos.

Max wants 4 limons...Max gets 4 limons!! And part of the arbol too!!

Have limons, will travel.

And before our first pit stop of the prowl, la danza de limón!!

Phew...that pooped me out.

Doph, limón down!!

Max might enter a 12-step program due to his poste addiction.

Doph dee doh.

Back off you paparazzi...NO more fotos!!

With the escuela closed for the holidays, we found our amigo, the fruta hombre, near the tiangus/mercado. We bought our piña, and normally we would sit on a park banco and eat the fruta.

There was no banco, so Max looked at me for approval (good niño!!) and I said sure...and here is where he ended up. The middle of the sidewalk.

He loves the jugo he finds at the bottom of the vaso.

One of many admirers Max picks up along the ruta.

Ok, you are all caught up. Mojon sábado and then NFL domingo...busy weekend.

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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