sábado, el 28 de diciembre de 2013

Yes, yes I did wake up at 5am...and stayed awake too.

Buenos noches!! It was a looooong day, but it was a fun one!! Yes, there was a 5am wake up, and after a panale y playera pit stop, Max and Poppa slumbered for another hour, and then it was video time.

Usual AM rutina of prowl and desayunos, with some added emotions during breakfast. Who knows what a 2 year old niño is thinking? He did not want his jugo o fruta and then started crying when I started making him his huevos.

I pulled him out of his chair...no luck. I put him on the counter next to me as I scrambled the huevos, and the lil'man was in heaven. And when we were all done, the eggs were gone, the queso was gone, the fruta was gone and 1/2 the jugo was. Who knows what a 2 year old is thinking? Not me!!

Some tranquilo time and due to the early morning, it was off to leche y siesta time. Poppa joined in on the siesta action and after the boys woke up some 2 hours later, it was time for our comida.

Post comida, Bex had us set up and off to Mojon we went....but not with out some fireworks!! Por que? The lil'man wanted to drive the camioneta verde, yup, drive it. While parked, we gave him 2 minutes at the wheel and then loaded him back into his silla...and the end of the world occurred right there and then.

Some distraction techniques worked on and off, but even as we drove down the dirt road to the playa, Max was mumbling "drive truck". Upon arrival, he had his 10 minutos behind the wheel and then we could start our afternoon.

Lots of oceano time today!! Olas chico and Max y Bex spent almost an hour in the agua.

Dinner was a lot of work...but it was a success. Yummy chili y garlic bread!!

As the sun set, we packed up and then headed home for a go go go tina time, clean up time and then bed time.

How was bed time? Some more fire works...this time because the lil'man was pooped out from the full day of go go go.

Bex had her 30 minutos and Max waited for his Poppa to come in, and 15 minutos later...lights out. Phew.

Onto the fotos.

Glasses on? Check.

Quick pose for Poppa? Check.

Score a few fotos before we really start the prowl? Check.

And with a Gene Simmons salute, we are off onto our prowl.

Not sure what sueño, dream, Max had last night, but pre-prowl, all he kept talking about was "autobus...drive". So...we managed to walk onto 2 turismo buses, and this bus which transports trabajadores to the hotels.

And you think Max sometimes has a serious look on his face? Check out this driver, who was smiling until I asked him if I could take his foto.

Poppa, tired.

Pit stop series.

The search for la rana, frog, continues.

Pit stop at the restaurante next to Los Portales, for our pan y agua.

We had to leave our normal spot as one of the senoritas there was nagging Max for a choque, knuckles, and he was not into it. She got on our nerves!! Ja ja ja

I do whatever (almost) it takes to get Max to eat his desayunos!! Today, it was allowing him to wear his casco...doph.

Onto Mojon and moments after landing, and prying Max out of the camioneta, the playtime has begun.

Olas chico today.

Perfect for a lil'surfing.

Surf expressions...no explanations needed.

Max's new juguete, my chair. He played with it for 30 minutos...and only "almost" broke his neck once!!

I am free!!!


Time to lavo los manos.

And back to the beach chair!!

Ok, you are all caught up. Wish us luck for a long night's sleep!!

Mañana? Futbol domingo and we will see what else comes our way.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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