martes, el 10 de diciembre de 2013

Courtesy of Bex, here is the tarjeta de Navidad that Max will be handing out this year!!

Buenos noches!! What a great way to end the "bedtime"!! It is dark and Max is laying in his cuna and I am on the bed...counting the moments to see if he is asleep.

From within the darkness, I hear this lil'voice say "Poppa". I look over the rails and ask Max what he would like, and it is manos. That is followed by wanting ears and then he moves my hand aside so he can show me how to fold his ears over correctly.

Another 5 minutes and he rolls over and is lights out!! Score!!

A busy complaints!!

A great sleep in....almost 6am!! I am told the first word of the día was "dangerous"...not a word we have taught Max, as we have always said peligro. Smart niño!!

Usual rutinas and the funnest part of the prowl was the lil'niño who came up to us outside the escuela and in perfect ingles, asked us how we were doing.

After Max and I grabbed our piña, the niño came back to have a longer conversation with us. I let him know I was impressed with his ingles, almost perfect, not bad for a 7 year old.

Great prowl, huge desayunos and then off to Sorianas. And what an adventura that was!! Max spent 5 minutes opening and closing all the locker doors, and then wanted to ride on the back of the cart.

No issue, as he does it every time we go shopping, but I asked him if he wanted to ride in the cart, and a big smile appeared.

Into the back he went, with me reminding him to be cuidado, and to hang on. We would take a corner, he would lean to one side, stop holding on, and then giggle his little hee hee hee.

And as the cart was filling up, he started taking everything out, and stacking it in the area of the cart where niños usually (except ours?) sit. As I headed to the caja, the cart was empty excpet for Max y chuletas de cerdo, the papal hygenico was underneath with the huevos, and the silla was stacked so high, I could almost not see Max!!

We looked for our packing amigo, and he was kind enough to get our bolsas out of the lockers, while I unloaded the cart and kept an ojo on the lil'man. Lots of work...but a great adventura!!

Home for leche y siesta and I am happy to report it was a great siesta.

Post siesta I headed out to el gimnasio and then ran some errands on the way home, before setting up the casa and then cooking la cena.

Meanwhile, the familia had their comida and then were off to the playa and then Rosario's Palace. Another fun afternoon and then we met home for leche, and then straight into dinner.

Good eats, easy clean up, a FT con Oma y Opa, off to tina time and then bed time.

And at 9pm, Max is lights out and knock on wood, has slept through the night on a regular basis. Bex is hard at work in the oficina and Bubba is wrapping up the día.


A slow start to el sonrisa, smile, but it arrived!!

And then left.

And then the smile came back again. This smile was because Max had just given Marcelino 2 Cheerios and when Silverio asked for one, Max said no and then Silverio laughed...followed by Max.

Pouting (?) Max with a fresh limon, which are back in season.

Lil'man yawn.

Above this puerta is a cocina, in which they have star shaped piñatas hanging. Max is waiting for Poppa to "arriba" him so he can take a better look.

Tres hombres eating some desayunos off the rear gate of the camioneta full of piñas. I don't know...I found it interesting.

Max walks by this yard often, and remembers his amigo, "woof". Today, "woof" was home and wagging his pit-bull mix tail with vigour!!

I did not know what this meant, so I took a foto and looked it up.

I still don't know what it means or to what it is referring to.

Max's glazed over look from watching Tom Tractor while eating his comida!!

Ok, you are caught up.

Mañana is playa Mojon miercoles, following our desayunos of pan frances of course, as Max would say!!

Have a great miercoles!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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